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Topping the coveted list of the region’s highest-rated culinary contenders in 1st place for 6 consecutive years is Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet.
STARS – Ils habitent aux États-Unis et en Chine mais parlent la même langue, celles des fourneaux. Dominique Crenn et Paul Pairet sont deux chefs français épanouis à l’étranger. (…) Tous les deux déclinent des cuisines inspirées et incarnées par leurs fortes personnalités, en marge des modes et du sérail hexagonal. (…) Ces deux exilés volontaires reviennent flirter avec leur pays natal, où ils prendront bientôt les manettes de restaurants.
Installé à Shanghai depuis quinze ans, ce génie de la cuisine d’avant-garde possède trois restaurants, mais c’est son Ultraviolet qui fait de lui un OVNI sur la planète des chefs triplement étoilés. Vingt plats, dix couverts, et trente-cinq personnes en backstage : UV, c’est un « arty-show » culinaire mis en sons, lumières et odeurs, où tous les sens sont ébouriffés.
No. 41. | Groundbreaking multisensory experience from a French culinary mastermind. (…) In a world packed with novel and surprising restaurant experiences, Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet is the original and by far the most unique.
Exorbitant, certes, mais justifié par la vingtaine de plats du menu, la qualité des produits, l’expérience digne d’un son et lumière à Disneyland et les trois employés à la disposition de chaque convive.
No. 6 & The Best in China | The Shanghai gastronomic hotspot where dining and hospitality are made into art.
No. 39. – Paul Pairet, Ultraviolet – 2020 World’s Top 100 Chefs
Anstoß und Vorbild war das wohl außergewöhnlichste Gourmet-Restaurant der Welt, das »Ultraviolet« in Shanghai. Dort, wo Paul Pairet mit seinem jahrelang ausgetüftelten Multivisionskonzept »Psychotaste
So eindrucksvoll die Inszenierungen auch sind, sollen sie dennoch nicht vom Eigentlichen, dem Geschmackserlebnis, ablenken, sondern es vielmehr unterstützen. Wenig verwunderlich, dass dieses nicht minder extravagant daherkommt.
Billed as the first multisen sory restaurant in the world, Ultravio let uses sight, sound and smell to enhance the food through a con trolled and tailored atmosphere.
Op een geheime locatie in Shanghai bevindt zich één van de meest avant- gardistische restaurants ter wereld. Ultraviolet van de Franse topchef Paul Pairet ontvangt slechts tien gasten per avond, die allen samen plaats nemen aan één tafel die zich in een totaal witte ruimte bevindt.
No. 48 | The ultimate in immersive, multi-sensory dining (…) there are theatrics and high-tech graphics involved, but it’s clear that food always comes first. The dish marks the point of genesis from which everything surrounding grows.
No. 24 | A multi-sensory work of genius somewhere in Shanghai
Winner of the 2018 Restaurateur of the Year
(…) It is this devotion, audacity and persuasiveness that make him not just a great chef, but an incredible innovator. “We see Paul’s receiving this award as both legitimate and logical for, applying the principle of comprehensive, global experience,” he exactly represent those things that make a great restaurateur.” Nicolas chatenier, Chef Representative, Les Grande Table du Monde.
A master illusionist, Pairet plays with expectations of taste in his menus – what he calls psycho taste – resulting in courses that can sometimes trick the eye while stimulating other senses.
Pairet, ever innovative and provocative, plays with sensations on the plate.
Brings high drama, comedy, extreme emotion, musical theatre and of course painstakingly technical cuisine to life.
Paul Pairet, le toqué du Bund
Ce chef français a ouvert à Shanghaï un restaurant singulier, Ultraviolet, sans équivalent sur la planète gastronomique. (…) «Ce n’est pas que du show. Il est talentueux et intelligent. C’est de la cuisine, quoi!», explique Pierre Gagnaire.
Hidden away in an old Shanghai neighborhood is arguably one of the most innovative restaurants in the world. (…) It was a revelation for all senses, and an immersive dining adventure I won’t soon forget.
Video: Ultra Dining at Ultraviolet | Paul Pairet has taken dining and turned it into theater, adding ambient music, unorthodox utensils and enhancing scent.
Paul Pairet’s immersive dining experience could be the next great leap in culinary evolution. (…) Pairet has developed two distinctive menus — the original he calls UVA, the new one UVB — and two complete experiences that both succeed brilliantly, mesmerizingly and, as intended, deliciously. Both UV menus reflect Pairet’s personality directly, setting the table with humor and grace, mischief and whimsy, with puzzles to solve and dishes to think through.
(…) in Shanghai, a similarly sized table serving only ten guests is now the centrepiece of one of the most extraordinary dining experiences anywhere on the planet.
Ultraviolet is the creation of French-born chef Paul Pairet and is arguably the most well thought out audio-visual attempt to stimulate, intrigue and complement a feast of 20 dishes along with an unsurpassed selection of paired fine wines.
Ultraviolet finally transgresses the rules, reinvents the restaurant, not to mention the cuisine. (…) this crazy work on rhythm, image, surprise, a complete rewrite of what can be the hospitality, the service, the cuisine of the 21st century. No arrogance or pretension in Pairet, not really. Behind the crazy dream and conception, it’s the desire to control, by illusion and staging our gustatory emotions, the eating disorder and to live a great poetry.
Paul Pairet, Coqueluche de Shanghai
Ultraviolet, new food-sounds-image-smell concept, states the ambitions of this gastronomy genius’s, for too long overlooked. (…) Unafraid to ruffle the hair of the great defenders of haute cuisine, Paul Pairet breaks the rules, has fun in reinventing the meal, update the social concept of food, and keeps on climbing to the top of the most incredible chefs of his time.
Paul Pairet est un OVNI talentueux dans l’univers culinaire.
Depuis 15 ans, il avait en tête un projet révolutionnaire de restaurant.
C’est chose faite: son rêve s’est concrétisé, en mai 2012, avec l’ouverture à Shanghai d’Ultraviolet, une table unique de 10 couverts. Trois mois d’attente pour décrocher une réservation, des clients emballés, des plats aussi déstabilisants qu’épatants. Le tout pour une expérience multi-sensorielle totalement inédite. Décryptage d’un succès mérité.
(…) Démiurge. Ultraviolet est assurément bien plus qu’un restaurant. C’est une escapade gustative unique magnifiée par la technologie numérique. Un instant ou le temps s’arrête. (…) . Les décors changent, les musiques s’enchainent, la chorégraphie du service étonne les hôtes hallucines, immerges dans le scenario passionnant d’un vaudeville a rebondissements.
Une sorte de mise en bouche, histoire d’aiguiser l’appétit des plus curieux d’entre vous qui seraient tentés de faire le déplacement jusqu’à Shanghai. Et, assurément, l’illumination de Paul Pairet vaut, à elle seule, le voyage.
No. 8 & | The Shanghai gastronomic hotspot where dining and hospitality are made into art
Paul Pairet 是天才型的人,能发挥艺术家的巧夺天工,又兼备电影导演般的节奏掌控能力,在他完全主导下,上门客人能放下所有俗事,掉入他精心设计的圈套。(…) 不但让世界看见中国,也让自己享誉国际。每一座城市都有他的地标,沒有 Ultraviolet 的上海,不再完整。
Best known for his avant-garde cuisine, and Ultraviolet – a secretive and multi-sensory three-Michelin-star dining experience.
The concept conceived by Chef Paul Pairet is an ode to the human sensory experience where food of course spearheads this moving play. It takes diners to a different level and way of eating haute cuisine in an almost sinister yet desperately mysterious atmosphere. (…) intelligent, experimental and engaging.
No dining compilation of Shanghai is complete without Ultraviolet, a three Michelin-starred ‘experiential’ restaurant conceived and executed by French chef Paul Pairet.
No. 8 | The Shanghai gastronomic hotspot where dining meets performance art (…) considered by many to be the most avant-garde restaurant experience in the world.
En Shanghai destaca de forma especial el creativo, inclasificable y sorprendente ultraviolet, ambicioso experimento multisensorial creado hace apenas tres años por el francés paul pairet tras más de 15 años desarrollando la idea. En la actualidad, este restaurante único ya recoge toda clase de elogios, e incluso acaba de ser escogido como tercer mejor restaurante asiático por la mediática lista world’s 50 best.
Paul Pairet : « La convocation de tous les sens augmente la mémoire du plat »
Ultraviolet est une adresse confidentielle, secrète et dont tout le monde parle ou rêve de la découvrir. À sa tête, un chef français qui répond aux mêmes attributs : passionnant, réservé mais suivi par tous les professionnels du secteur, curieux et admiratifs.
GO LIST 2014 | An evening at Ultraviolet is a surreal drama. Every night, a van takes 10 guests to the secret warehouse venue. Paul Pairet serves 22 courses, each a theatrical production with music, scents and video.
Gold Standard Restaurants 2013
Created by French chef Paul Pairet, Ultraviolet is China’s most immersive foodie experience. (…). Truly extraordinary.
I’m not only convinced, I am amazed. Amazed at the food, amazed at the production value, and, more to the point, amazed that they were able to pull the whole thing off. (…) Everything that comes to the table is technically flawless, artfully executed and could easily stand on its own. (…) I can assure, not one of them (restaurants in town) will provide the same unforgettable experience you’ll get here.
the otherworldly Ultraviolet experience – a kind of Cirque du Soleil of fine-dining whimsy by French chef Paul Pairet.
Ultraviolet, which opened last year, is one of a mind-bending kind. But it’s also a perfect ambassador for China’s dining scene right now, capturing the frenzy and swagger of it all.
Music, images, scents and even entertainment provide a well-rounded dining experience where guests can use all five senses to really enjoy the dish.
Michelin praised the restaurant for offering “avant-garde cuisine of a very high standard, a real gourmet journey.
Ultraviolet, recognized in global publications and critical platforms as one of the most innovative restaurants in the world.
No. 7 | The Shanghai gastronomic hot spot where dining meets performance art. (…) Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet is considered by many to be the most avant-garde restaurant experience in the world.
Paul Pairet, l’étoile montante de la gastronomie à Shanghai
Il est aujourd’hui, avec deux restaurants – Mr & Mrs Bund et Ultraviolet –, le chef le plus respecté de la ville.
Paul Pairet revient sur le « citron reconstitué »
En 1998, à l’ouverture du Café Mosaïc à Paris où je suis chef, je fais un dessert qui s’appelle ‘l’Orange à L’Orange’, une création au croisement d’une simple ligne lue dans un bouquin, La cuisine du marché de Paul Bocuse me semble-t-il (une recette sans rapport avec le produit que je sors mais j’adore le nom), et de la version originale des oranges et citrons givrés qui étaient servis dans des coques de fruits confits.
No. 24 | Pairet’s cooking has a delicate touch so, despite the full 20 courses, you’ll leave the table without feeling weighed down. The experience may be avant-garde and inspirational, but above all it’s enormous fun.
Ultraviolet is the original. And even if others are copying the idea, it’s impossible to recreate it without having the vision, imagination and culinary expertise of Pairet and his team.
Q: What kind of experience do you aim to give guests when you cook for them? A: Taste for thought in Ultraviolet – Taste for taste in Mr & Mrs Bund.
No. 3 | Immersive multi-sensory dining courtesy of culinary provocateur (…) Via an unprecedented process of blurring taste with emotion, the Ultraviolet experience is simultaneously avant-garde, inspirational and enormous fun.
Tour du monde des menus-dégustations XXL
Ultraviolet, Shanghai, Chine
Le chef : Paul Pairet, classé à la 24e place parmi les 50 meilleurs restaurants au monde. L’aventure d’Ultraviolet se veut James Bond-esque
El chef Paul Pairet creó un nuevo concepto en el mundo de la gastronomía: incluir los sentidos del tacto, vista, oído y olfato. No se trata de una simple reunión cotidiana: es una cena experimental envuelta en visuales, música, olores y platillos temáticos. | The chef Paul Pairet created a new concept in the world of gastronomy: including the senses of touch, sight, hearing and smell. It is not a simple daily meeting: it is an experimental dinner wrapped in visual, music, smells and themed dishes.
Direction l’orangerie et ambiance Las Vegas pour un dîner son, lumière et odorama. Le décor change en permanence. Les fourneaux sont confiés à l’avant-gardiste Paul Pairet, qui dirige le restaurant Ultaviolet à Shanghaï. (…) Tout cela est à la fois kitsch, drôle et, de l’avis général, succulent.
Most extreme is the thrill of dining at Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet in Shanghai (…) “diners are ‘tasting’ through the external
triggers before they bite in, feeding their brain and imagination. I am not telling them what to think, merely leading them down a path. It makes the food itself matter even more; it gives more power to the dish and strengthens the memory enormously.”
Paul Pairet ne se pose pas en neuro-gastronome. Le chef entend créer un contexte multisensoriel «qui parle à chacun selon ses propres représentations. J’élabore un scénario qui éclaire le plat et lui donne plus de force. Et l’emprise du lieu sur les gens nous permet de les guider où l’on veut.»
Interviewing Caroline Scheufele | Una de las comidas que más me ha impresionado ha sido el restaurante Ultraviolet en Shanghai, dirigido por Paul Pairet. (…) Pairet está obteniendo gran éxito con esta experiencia de cuatro horas. Son momentos gastronómicos multisensoriales que hacen confundir el gusto con las emociones hasta llevarte a un nivel evocador sin precedentes.
Best Food Personality, Readers’ Choice – Paul Pairet – Your choice for top food personality is another name synonymous with top quality dining in Shanghai, Paul Pairet. //
Best International Restaurant, Winner – Ultraviolet – Paul Pairet’s multi-sensory dining experience is an incredible achievement. (…) UV truly is outstanding.
Ultraviolet, le restaurant multisensoriel ultra exclusif | Loin des néons de Shanghai, un des restaurants les plus exclusifs au monde se tient à l’abri des regards, dans un entrepôt de banlieue. (…) C’est un must pour tout voyageur gastronome de passage à Shanghai: réserver une table dans l’un des endroits les plus prisés du moment, Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet.
The food in front of you is completely unexpected. It’s not just food waiting to be eaten; it becomes 3-dimensional and alive, and brings out the feeling beyond your imagination. This becomes a bold, yet intimate and sense-stimulating journey. It causes quite an interesting stir in diners’ emotions.
Best Restaurants in The World: Ultraviolet | Cooking doesn’t get more meticulous than this. There are just ten seats in Ultraviolet, where a 20-course multi-sensory meal is produced by Paul Pairet. Curating diners’ “psycho taste” for each dish, Pairet makes precisely timed changes to the room’s audio, visuals and even the scent, thanks to four dry-smell projectors concealed in the ceiling.
(From French) The guests of Ultraviolet discover at the last moment where this confidential and innovative restaurant hides, where every night is orchestrated into a multi-sensory, immersive experience. Here no interior design but a discretionary advanced technology: motion picture walls, diffusion of perfumes and synchronized soundtrack with the dishes of French chef Paul Pairet.
Conceived by French chef Paul Pairet more than 15 years ago, the still new-age restaurant offers a fully immersive dining experience by implementing multi-sensorial technologies. (…) The 3,000RMB per head restaurant was an overnight success and is regularly described by critics as “the best dining experience ever”.
50 things to do in Shanghai | Enjoy a ‘4D’ dining experience (…) Paul Pairet’s Ultraviolet makes for a dramatic dinner. But the key thing is that it’s more than just a gimmick – the food on your plate is truly outstanding (…) even if you do this just once, you’ll find it to be an unforgettable experience.
PAUL PAIRET – L’IDOLE DE SHANGHAI | Avec sa casquette et sa barbe de trois jours, cet iconoclaste est devenu la coqueluche de Shanghai où ses deux restaurants ne désemplissent pas. (…) Après le success de son premier restaurant Mr & Mrs Bund, il a ouvert en 2012 le projet de sa vie, Ultraviolet. Un food concept au scenario multisensoriel.
No. 8 | It’s doubtful there is a more avant-garde restaurant experience in the world than at Paul Pairet’s unique Shanghai project. (…) takes the idea of multi-sensory food consumption – blurring taste with emotion – to an unprecedented, inspirational level.
Nourriture ultrasensorielle: Rendre compte d’une experience à l’Ultraviolet revient à faire une récit entre science-fiction et créativité culinaire. (…) Le chef Paul Pairet recrée constamment des univers qui mélangent ses menus fantaisistes à des technologies multisensorielles, pour mieux vous troubler.
(From German) Ultraviolet is the multi-sensual restaurant of the famous French chef Paul Pairet. Pairet’s avant-garde cuisine is actually indescribable. If you want to try to put into words, the most suitable adjectives would be like “twisted, classic, contrasting, ironic, unpretentious, surreal, extreme”.
Le chef Paul Pairet, 49 ans, débarque, lui, en 2005 (…) Rapidement, cet acharné du travail monte son restaurant, Mr & Mrs Bund, qui attire vite le Tout-Shanghai. Mais c’est son nouveau restaurant, caché sur un parking derrière une façade quelconque, qui défraie la chronique: Ultraviolet, un ovni gastronomique ouvert avec les capitaux du groupe taïwanais Vol. Selon le « New York Times », l’endroit est « l’une des meilleures tables du monde ». Avis partagé par deux pères spirituels du Français: Alain Ducasse et Pierre Hermé.
(From German) Paul has a fabulous sense of drama and with his visionary presentation of the courses he explores the limits of the imagination. His new restaurant Ultraviolet rocketed into top position as Shanghai’s culinary hotspot. (…) Paul creates dream worlds to accompany the precisely prepared dishes, works of art that make fine dining into grand, multi-sensory experience. We are astonished, surprised, unsettled, amused, shocked, amazed, ecstatic.
Ultraviolet, which opened in 2012, bills itself as the world’s first “immersive dining restaurant”, the result of Pairet’s desire to control every aspect of the dining experience. (…) the 10-seat restaurant is the culinary world’s equivalent of The Matrix. The ambience shifts with each course on the tasting menu, and all of the sensory components are chosen to complement the individual dishes.
No. 7: Mr & Mrs Bund by Paul Pairet
No. 8: Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet
Lifetime Achievement Award: Paul Pairet
(From German) Now, I have actually experienced something that justifies culinary superlatives – of all in Shanghai. (…) in his Ultraviolet, the French Paul Pairet is presenting a spectacle for all senses. (…) Everything has to fit together – eat, drink, film, air, music, of which Paul is convinced. And it provides the proof. (…) Pairet explains: Avant-Garde has nothing to do with food technology, but with feeling, with all your senses!
Paul Pairet made Shanghai proud when he took home not one but three honours at San Pellegrino’s inaugural Asia’s 50 Best Restaurant event held in Singapore. (…)
Ultraviolet (…) Here, a meal is not just about Pairet’s part-classical, part experimental creations but a journey in multi-sensorial extravagance.
It’s all presented with cinematic flair, from the credits that roll at the end of the meal to the dishes themselves, which are created as molecular gastronomic masterpieces with fun and unexpected quirks around every corner. You’ll laugh, you’ll cringe, your senses will swim in wonderment as every dish comes and goes.
法國主廚 Paul Pairet 擘畫這場實驗性的飲食新體驗,把「吃飯」這件事該要經歷的聽、觸、看、嚐、聞五感再次放大,給予一種很實際卻又超現實的詮釋。
French chef Paul Pairet has conceived this experimental and original dining experience, maximizing the impact to the five senses of eating, including listening, touching, watching, tasting and smelling. This is a truly real, also surreal culinary expression.
Awarded San Pellegrino’s World’s Best 50 Restaurants in Asia, Ultraviolet has revealed a novel dining experience since its opening in May 2012. (…) Dinner is not just a gastronomic experience but a sensory play that has been specially choreographed by Chef Paul Pairet and the Ultraviolet Team, offering multi-sensorial high end technology, adorned with lights, music, scents, cool air blow and immersive projection.
(From Chinese ) The opening of Ultraviolet has stunned everyone (…) This is the culinary masterpiece by the world-renowned chef Paul Pairet near Suzhou Creek, the ultimate interpretation of “avant-garde dining experience”. (…) Once you visit there you will never forget. It surpasses the food itself.
Ultraviolet emerged as a fully immersive, multi-sensorial dining experience that transgresses the rules of fine dining in a fantastical and utterly astounding way. Uniting food with sensory-tingling technologies, Ultraviolet is the first restaurant of its kind, and it will shake your gustatory emotions.
Ultraviolet | Why it’s an “it” place: Imagine tucking into mouthwatering seafood, accompanied by the melodious sound of crashing waves in the background and the unmistakable scent of saltwater wafting through the air. This fantastical 4D experience is not only possible at Ultraviolet; it’s their entire selling point. Ultraviolet is the brainchild of Chef Paul Pairet (…) quite possibly the best dining experience in the world.
Best New Restaurants, Shanghai: Ultraviolet
French chef Paul Pairet’s avant-garde one-table, ten-seat restaurant has received so many breathless accolades that it’s hard to believe the place is only a year old. (…) the “multisensory” Ultraviolet is part IMAX, part molecular gastronomy.
Ultraviolet, the latest sensation in Shanghai’s fast-changing dining scene. (…) the most avant-garde restaurant in the world.
Paul Pairet: Known throughout the city (and the world, for that matter) for his mindblowingly creative cuisine, (…) Chef Paul is charismatic presence on Shanghai’s dining scene, with a devilish sense of humor and a straightforward attitude, which belies his complex and layered cuisine.
Shanghai’s 50 Best Dishes: European | Ultraviolet’s Truffle Burnt Soup Bread
Ultraviolet sweeps the entire spectrum of senses for an entirely unorthodox experience.
Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet: The city’s most buzzed-about new restaurant (…) chef Paul Pairet combines audio, olfactory, and visual effects with innovative dishes (…) It’s dinner theater for the 21st century.
我仿佛已经离开了上海,一次因为味觉的旅途(…) 如果不是有22道菜、15道佐餐饮品,以及一整个晚上穿越时空的声光电媒作证。眨眼间,我就会笃信那只是一场美妙至极的梦境!
It seemed like I’ve left Shanghai for this journey of taste (…) 22-courses, 15 drink pairings, and a night of time travel by the visual-audio-light multimedia; I almost believed it could only exist in the most wonderful dream.
French chef Paul Pairet first conceived the idea of Shanghai restaurant Ultraviolet 15 years ago, when he decided to challenge the traditional à la carte service — or mise en place, to use his own terminology — and create something far more pioneering. Fast-forward to last year when Ultraviolet opened, and the result was the world’s first multisensory immersive restaurant.
Ultraviolet | Chef Paul Pairet (…) the result of an experimental dadaist insanity and genius like the modernist Steve Jobs. The mind and the hand in the restaurant, however, are of the wise chef Paul Pairet, the cosmopolitan and master chef in Shanghai who has already been positioned on the top by Jade on 36 and Mr & Mrs Bund.
There are many French people who cook very well. And there’s Paul Pairet. The culinary missing link between the 90s and the third millennium. He is the playmaker. He is the one who brought the dream to life and fine dining like an anarchist, making it an extreme and relentlessly magnificent multisensory intoxication of senses.
French avant-garde chef Paul Pairet’s bold new restaurant indulges more than just taste buds: 10 diners get to go on a gastronomic journey unlike any other.
– Best New Restaurant | Ultraviolet: It sounds over the top. It is over the top. In the best way possible. The combination of excellent food and absorbing theatrics is mesmerizing.
– Best Chef | Paul Pairet: Chef Pairet has long titillated Shanghai with fascinating food; at once recognizable and out of this world crazy.
Paul Pairet, the great French chef based in Shanghai for 7 years has opened a restaurant original and unique: “UltraViolet” (…) A world’s first! (…) Paul Pairet expresses with his unique talent the gastronomy to its ultimate art (…) Each dish was meticulously prepared as a true gem. The degustation is pure happiness. The sensory experience is effective and marvelous
In Shanghai, with Paul Pairet: Fifth stop on our trip around the world with the best chef in the Chinese metropolis. (…) Ultraviolet restaurant speaks volumes about the personality of the one who has worn for so many years. It’s assured of being the first. This exceptional project, allows him to express himself in the best of his art (…) the culmination of a perfectionist approach that Pairet shares with most of his colleagues.
(…) restaurant (Ultraviolet), the brainchild of French-born Paul Pairet, serves a 22-course banquet that aims to stimulate all five senses to just 10 guests a night. Each course is served with a tailored set of visuals, sound and smell.
(…) This is a center of senses in world’s cultural background, including taste, smell, sight, hearing and feel – the sensory channels through which Paul Pairet communicates with the diners.
Billed as the first “multi-sensory” restaurant in China or even the world, Ultraviolet uses sight, sound and smell to enhance the food. (…) each dish is designed to assault the senses (…)
Shanghai’s newest, buzziest restaurant is the high-concept Ultraviolet—Chef Paul Pairet’s 15-years-in-the-making meal experience where each course is paired not only with a special beverage but with a certain sound, scent, and interior design.
An odyssey into the psyche of Paul Pairet (…) a few reasons Ultraviolet succeeds, primarily because Pairet is an OCD perfectionist with the soul of an artist.(…) The 200 percent effort that Pairet and his team have given this project has paid off. The music, scents and scenes serve to enhance, not distract, from the kitchen’s already immense culinary skills.
(…) in a rehearsal at Ultraviolet, my expectations weren’t just high; they were located somewhere in the stratosphere. Amazingly (astoundingly, even), Ultraviolet wowed me. Like a play in 22 edible acts, the degustation menu is complemented by tongue-in-cheek audio and visual cues from the man behind the curtain. The waiters play supporting roles complete with costume changes, fading into the background as the star of the meal – the food – takes centre stage, turning the potentially over-the-top farce of a dinner into a magnum opus.
Paul Pairet’s Pet Project Lives Up to the Hype!
All of Shanghai has been waiting expectantly for Ultraviolet, Paul Pairet’s ultra high-end dining concept, it’s finally open and it’s spectacular. (…) You’ll ooh and ahh and forget any effort to contain your excitement. It’s dinner as theater, it’s food as you’ve never experienced it before
UltraViolet has a great deal to inspire our industry. Not just by its creativity and pioneering spirit, but as a demonstration of what happens when you get a complete alignment between concept and execution. (…) here the idea stretches further than any restaurant I’ve ever walked into, and the delivery has been made perfect.
Paul Pairet has been lauded for his witty takes on bistro classics at Mr. & Mrs. Bund in Shanghai, but he has been wanting to create a restaurant where he controls the ambiance — from lighting to scents — for each dish. Ultraviolet is his attempt (…)
Sensory Overload: Paul Pairet Talks UV
Next week he unveils Ultraviolet, a 20-course study in cutting edge cuisine complemented with high-tech visual, aural, and even olfactory accompaniments.
In Shanghai, French chef Paul Pairet is a great success. (…) This candid Frenchman is currently cooking up another project, more trendy this time: soon, ten persons per evening will be able to taste, … around twenty dishes, synchronized to music and images projected onto the walls of Ultraviolet, … a culinary house to experience tastes and sensations.
Ultraviolet, el sueño del chef francés Paul Pairet, está cerca de hacerse realidad.
Ultraviolet, the dream of French chef Paul Pairet is close to reality. (…) The target marked by Paul Pairet is that diners who are lucky enough to sit at the table to enjoy their dishes beyond the sense of taste. (…) In UV the main course is emotion. (…)
Paul Pairet, the French chef behind Shanghai’s Mr & Mrs Bund restaurant, created what according to him is a
multi-sensory eating experience with his 10-seat space called Ultraviolet. Machines pump aromas into the air and video screens and sound machines create a specific ambience to accompany 20 small-plate courses.
SPECIALTY Full-sensory-experience 20-course “avant-garde” dinner for 10
The race to be “the next big thing” in the restaurant world is moving faster in Shanghai than anywhere else in Asia. And the man way ahead of the pack is French Chef Paul Pairet (…)
Paul Pairet… heading an avant garde evolution.
The man behind Mr & Mrs Bund, and arguably the most internationally recognized chef in the city since his days at Jade on 36, was aiming to open one-table, high-concept Ultraviolet last year. He has been dreaming of it since 1996. Since then, his original concept of a single-table restaurant and no menu choices has evolved into a technology-fueled extravaganza directed towards a single purpose: to combine sight, light, sound and automation into the ultimate dining experience.
Paul Pairet’s Ultraviolet is due to launch in May, and it should instantly become one of the world’s marquee dining destinations. A team of 25 will serve one table of 10 nightly, and every dish will come paired a set of carefully crafted smells, sights and sounds to play on what Pairet calls your “psycho-taste.” – it’s a food extravaganza for the pure glory of it.
Ultraviolet. It is described as an experimental restaurant, which has a single table of 10 seats, so all the guests sit together and are served a selection of food from a 20 course Avant-Garde set menu.
The concept of this restaurant is to experience food through all five senses. So guests not only taste the food, you also hear it through accompanying music, smell it through the influence of scent, see it with relevant lighting and music, and feel it by immersive projection.
The inspiration behind Ultraviolet is Chef and creator Paul Pairet.
(…) high-flying French chef Paul Pairet. He’s currently finetuning a new venture called Ultraviolet, a restaurant with only ten chairs, where guests will savour a 20-course avant-garde menu at a communal table. Paul and his team, meanwhile, will deliver a bespoke ‘sensory play’ featuring a hi-tech system that controls lighting, music, scent, projections and even the flow of air.
An innovative new breed of concept restaurant creates an exclusive new dimension for your dining
experience. (…) arguably the most adventurous and extravagant private dining concept of all is currently under development. The brainchild of maverick French-born Chef Paul Pairet, this bold new venture is called Ultraviolet.
Pairet’s newest venue, Ultraviolet, will continue to keep Shanghai guessing. (…) Ultraviolet (…) “sensory play” orchestrated by the chef and his team. “It’s the first of its kind in the world,”
Ultra Ambitious – Paul Pairet pushes the edge of the dining spectrum with Ultra Violet
It’s a heady, high concept: A sparsely decorated dining room (…) – housing a single table with only 10 seats. Pairet seeks to create a full-on sensory experience. (…) It’s incredibly ambitious and insanely extravagant.
Celebrated French chef Paul Pairet (…) developed a personal sense of cuisine that played with texture, temperatures, and preconceived notions of what defines good food. He carved out an international reputation for daring, innovative cuisine(…) Now, he’s at the helm of the contemporary French eatery Mr and Mrs Bund while working on a personal project called Ultraviolet which will launch later this year.
(…) 上海能有多少餐厅能让世界各地的饕客名厨放下一切,千里迢迢来到中国,Paul Pairet 他办到了。每一座城市都有他的地标,沒有 Ultraviolet 的上海,不再完整。
Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet keeps the highest accolade of Three MICHELIN Stars. (…) From taste to presentation, every dish is meticulously crafted by chef Paul Pairet, and his team. The experience is further enlivened by the enthusiastic service team.
le cuisinier de 57 ans déroule un débit mitraillette, (…) Avec sa table expérimentale Ultraviolet, l’homme s’est hissé au sommet de sa profession avec trois astres au guide Michelin décernées en 2017 et une présence au sein de la dernière édition de l’influent classement 50 Best qui réunit les cinquante meilleures restaurants du monde.
(…) Ultra-Lune cakes – a typically impressive (and very French) take on the seasonal treat. Totally OTT, the delicate UV cakes are made with a two-dough sable base, filled with a soft centre of either lemon, chocolate, peanut or orange liqueur before being stamped with a half crescent moon to finish. (…)
What if we told you there was a restaurant uniting multi-sensory technology with food, to create a totally unique, unprecedented dining experience? (…) We will say that this restaurant was 16 years in the making by inimitable French chef Paul Pairet. (…)
This three-Michelin Star, 10-seat restaurant delights diner’s tastebuds with a whopping 20-course “Avant-Garde” menu. (…) Everyone sits together at one large table where lights, sounds, scents, and even projections accompany each course. (…)
(…) This multi-sensory experience (…) will give you quite an adrenaline rush. (…) Be dazzled by the creative mix of tastes, unconventional presentations and enthusiastic service, all enhanced by imagination.
(…) Côté gastronomie, préparez-vous à vivre un moment hors du temps à l’Ultraviolet. Ce restaurant, créé par le chef français Paul Pairet, est reconnu comme l’un des meilleurs du monde et offre une expérience gastronomique et sensorielle unique. (…)
(…) 10 Michelin three-star restaurants to add to your bucket list
Ultraviolet, Shanghai
The single-table restaurant was opened in 2012 by French chef Paul Pairet and VOL Group. (…)
10 Michelin three-starred restaurants around the world to visit once travel restarts
Ultraviolet, Shanghai, China
The single-table restaurant was opened in 2012 by French chef Paul Pairet and VOL Group. Through its 20-course meal, the prolific restaurant aims to weave a story worth sharing. (…)
(…) 上海UV连续四年夺OAD榜首
今年,位于亚洲餐厅百强排行榜首的是连续第四年夺冠的Ultraviolet。UV是由法国三星主厨Paul Pairet掌舵,该餐厅透过多种感官技术将创意和美食结合在一起,是全球首间提供虚拟实境餐饮体验的餐厅。(…)
OAD 亚洲百强餐厅揭晓,这家上海餐厅连续 4 年夺冠
No.1 Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet,上海
主打感官料理的 Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet 餐厅连续 4 年都稳坐 OAD 亚洲第一餐厅的宝座,主厨 Paul Pairet 通过沉浸式投影、配乐、气味、摆盘等多种方式,带给食客全方位的用餐感受。(…)
Gastronomie : zoom sur 6 chefs français expatriés de Paul Pairet à Claude Bosi
(…) Paul Pairet. Chef propriétaire des restaurants Ultraviolet (3 étoiles Michelin), Mr & Mrs Bund et Polux, à Shanghai, et juré de l’émission « Top Chef ». (…)
Luca Abbadir: l’alta cucina presuppone la sperimentazione
(…) Ma ora ritengo di aver vissuto il sublime due anni fa all’Ultraviolet di Shanghai, dove tutto, dalle proiezioni sulle pareti, ai profumi, dai suoni ai colori, ha contribuito a rendere irripetibile ogni pasto creato dallo chef Paul Pairet”. (…)
(…) des quatre chefs de brigade de « Top chef », Paul Pairet, juré depuis la saison 11 l’an dernier, est sans doute l’un de nos préférés.
Humour, empathie, précision, énergie, il déploie tout cela pour coacher ses candidats, souvent avec succès.
Exceptionnellement, Paul Pairet troquera sa casquette de membre du jury pour devenir l’invité de Top Chef ce mercredi 28 avril. Il demandera aux candidats de proposer une expérience sensorielle inédite autour d’un plat gastronomique. (…) Découvrez le parcours impressionnant de Paul Pairet, chef d’origine catalane installé à Shanghaï avec son restaurant Ultraviolet. (…)
Şanghay gibi gösterişli bir şehre yakışan avangart bir restoran. Şanghay‘ın tek üç Michelin yıldızlı restoranı Ultraviolet, deneysel mutfağıyla ömürlük bir deneyim vadediyor. (…) Pairet, yemek yerken farklı duyuları ve duyguları tetikleyerek tat algımızın değişebileceğine inanıyor ve bunu da psiko-tadım olarak adlandırdığı bir sunumla destekliyor. Pairet, yemek deneyimini geliştirmek için görüntüyü, sesi ve kokuyu harekete geçiriyor. (…)
Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet : une expérience hors-normes
À nouveau juré dans Top Chef en 2021, le chef français Paul Pairet a construit sa notoriété à Shanghaï : Ultraviolet, son restaurant, propose une expérience gastronomique d’un genre inédit. (…)
Multisensory dining is very much in vogue, but all the other efforts will seem a bit two-dimensional after a meal at chef Mr Paul Pairet’s mindbending restaurant. “Meal” might be underselling it. Dinner here is an experience to rival the most immersive of theatre productions, and just happens to have three-Michelin-starred food at its heart. Describing it in terms of cooking style isn’t possible, so we’ll just say that you and the evening’s nine other diners will be challenged, surprised, amused, provoked and wowed, and what you’re seeing, smelling, hearing and feeling will be just as important as what you’re eating. If that sounds confusing, best just to book.
Es otro nivel toda tan cuidado al detalle, es un espectáculo maravilloso y los platos sacados de una película de Ciencia ficción, es para sentirlo uno mismo
Peggy (美食作者): Ultraviolet
米其林三星、World Best 50国内唯一在榜餐厅,连年一位难求。(…) 不能旅游的日子,幸好有UV,一座饕客不容错过的殿堂。
三三 (美食撰稿人): Ultraviolet
(…) 让人怀念的味道,常常伴随着大量食物以外的记忆,在心中留下立体而深刻的印象。(…) chef Paul正是抓住了自己生命中不同时刻的味觉记忆,将它们用魔幻、优雅、幽默甚至是荒诞的手法,组合、对比,再利用声光电的现代科技,如同造物主一般在食客面前展现。
Restaurant-Rangliste 2020
Ultraviolet bleibt Nummer 1 in China
Das Ultraviolet von Paul Pairet verteidigt seine Spitzenposition als bestes Restaurant in China. Das hat eine Auswertung der Noten der Restaurantführer für das Land durch ergeben. Erstmals hatte das in Shanghai beheimatete Restaurant diese Platzierung 2019 erreicht.
Les 10 stars françaises préférées en Chine
Paul Pairet
Le chef multi-étoilé Paul Pairet est la star française de la gastronomie shanghaienne avec son restaurant concept Ultraviolet.La gastronomie française a toujours connu une aura internationale synonyme de qualité et d’exigence mais avec Paul Pairet, elle prend des accents plus modernes et créatifs, bousculant les codes et attirant une nouvelle génération de gastronomes chinois branchés et fortunés.
Three Michelin Stars: Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet
The taste and presentation of each course is carefully sculpted by the team, compounding with encaptivating atmosphere created by sincere service. Everything is designed to leave a profound and exceptional memory.
Paul Pairet jette, lui, un dernier regard sur le passé : « J’ai fermé trois restaurants avant de pouvoir en garder un et de commencer à me faire connaître. J’ai traversé une longue période de sueur, de travail et d’échecs dans laquelle ma passion pour la cuisine ne s’est jamais démentie. Au final, c’est un champ d’exploration infini qui nous dépasse tous, nous les chefs y compris. »
Paul Pairet est le chef de trois restaurants à Shanghai, dont Ultraviolet, triplement étoilé et qui ne sert chaque soir qu’un repas pour dix convives, sur fond d’expérience multisensorielle avec projections d’odeur, vidéos à 360 degrés et musique pour “placer les plats dans leur contexte”. Un concept aussi prétentieux que séduisant.
This holistic approach takes fine dining to a whole different level and turns dinner at Ultraviolet into a truly unique experience.
Ultraviolet isn’t just a typical restaurant or fine dining event Instead, refer to it as an all-senses-on-deck gustatory experience.
From Shanghai’s famous multi-sensory restaurant Ultraviolet to Bib Gourmand establishment Polux, Pairet has displayed a clear sense of identity in his style throughout his culinary journey — a childlike and adventurous spirit.
The restaurant is considered a treasure of Shanghai and – being now easier to make a reservation than before – the 26 million people in Shanghai have been showing their support.
5 restaurants aux concepts étonnants !
22 plats inédits sont alors servis et accompagnés chacun d’une ambiance différente grâce à des montages sonores, des jeux de lumières, des diffusions d’odeurs ou encore des projections vidéo aux murs.
« Quelqu’un comme Paul Pairet maîtrise les deux et met son savoir-faire français au service de techniques très innovantes.
Ultraviolet chez Paul Pairet : je garde en tête l’odeur et le bruit du poulet rôti qui tourne, les deux assiettes identiques (l’une salée et l’autre sucrée), le canard soufflé au coca, les portes qui s’ouvrent sur l’équipe et le cognac partagé avec Paul et ses dix convives dans la cuisine en fin de service.
La difficulté est de sortir de cette masse, devenir soi-même, trier, trouver son identité et maîtriser ce qui fait que notre métier reste un artisanat. Cependant, observer tout cela est passionnant et donne de la substance pour la curiosité de chacun.
L’un des meilleurs restaurateurs du monde
En 2012, après des années de recherche, il ouvre son restaurant L’ultraviolet, un concept unique au monde. Ce restaurant, dont l’adresse est tenue secrète, marie cuisine et nouvelles technologies. Une expérience avant-gardiste et multi-sensorielle qui lui a rapporté trois étoiles ainsi qu’une place parmi les meilleures tables du monde par le World’s 50 best.
5 High-Tech Restaurants Around The World
Ultraviolet believes that their food is not just meant to be eaten, but experienced. star chef Paul Pairet, who pushes the boundaries to give his diners an extraordinary dining experience.
Paul Pairet est « un personnage » qui a su faire parler de lui. Sa cuisine évite le superflu et contient l’essentiel du plat dans quelque chose de très sobre. Elle n’en reste pas moins technique et très avant-gardiste.
D’autant qu’il était, jusqu’ici, assez méconnu du grand public français : “Faire partie du jury de Top Chef, c’était l’occasion de passer de l’ombre à la lumière aussi en France.” Car Paul Pairet vit et travaille à Shanghai depuis 2005, où son restaurant a non seulement décroché 3 étoiles au Michelin mais fait également parti des 50 meilleures tables du monde, selon le classement des World’s 50 Best.
“ya que a la gente, una vez levantada la cuarentena, le da miedo moverse”.
“Mirando el lado bueno, esta crisis ha mostrado la unión de todos nosotros”.
Ultraviolet, son restaurant, propose une expérience gastronomique d’un genre inédit.
En général, les convives ressortent de là totalement ébahis par cette expérience totale : l’alliance inédite entre une partition gastronomique d’exception et une mise en scène théâtrale à couper le souffle.
Grâce à son concept très original, l’Ultraviolet a été classé 48e meilleur restaurant du monde dans le classement 2019 du World’s 50 best et l’année précédente, Paul Pairet avait été sacré meilleur restaurateur du monde par l’association des Grandes Tables du monde.
Surrounded by bare walls which transform through 360-degree projections into forests, seascapes, and more, each course is a scene with the food being the undoubted star.
L’idée du restaurant ? Vivre une expérience culinaire, oui, mais également artistique. Tout, au sein de l’Ultraviolet, est millimétré. Son restaurant, très prisé, ne compte que 10 places.
À Ultraviolet, on tente d’amener quelque chose d’inexistant à chaque plat. Cela peut être une technique, un concept, une association de saveurs. Ça n’a pas besoin d’être énorme, mais ça définit une différence qui n’appartient qu’à nous… », rapporte-t-il.
Paul Pairet avait déjà été invité sur le plateau pour challenger les aspirants au titre. Et avec ses trois étoiles pour son restaurant conceptuel à Shanghai « Ultraviolet », le chef en impose naturellement !
Votre particularité, c’est aussi votre casquette…
La toque, ce n’est pas ma came. Et ce n’est pas très pratique. Ça fait trente ans que je porte une casquette en cuisine. Elle est coupée comme celles de l’armée chinoise, époque Mao. Même si je n’ai pas forcément une approche militaire. Je ne la quitte plus depuis que j’ai moins de cheveux. D’autant plus que quand j’en change, on ne me reconnaît pas. Ma casquette est plus connue que moi.
C’est un personnage à part, il a son monde. C’est un grand chef. Il est débutant en télévision, mais tout se passe bien”, a-t-il confié.
«Les photos qui circulent ne reflètent pas bien la réalité. Il faut venir pour comprendre.»
L’arrivée de Paul a été une belle complicité et une approche culinaire vraiment intéressante pour nous et les candidats”
Qui est Paul Pairet, le nouveau juré de Top chef ? “Un grand chef, un peu dingue”
“Lumière, son, musique, cuisine innovante, il s’agit d’une expérience immersive et exclusive qui est tellement plus qu’un dîner de vingt plats”, résume le guide Michelin.
Trois menus (« UVA », « UVB » et « UVC ») y sont déclinés durant trois heures trente, autour de 22 plats dans une ambiance sonore, olfactive et visuelle, capable « de modifier la perception des goûts ».
Dans ce restaurant, dont l’adresse est tenue secrète, Paul Pairet propose une expérience culinaire multisensorielle où il combine cuisine et technologie. L’établissement a remporté un tel succès que le chef a décidé d’en faire un endroit de prestige quasiment inaccessible…
Chef trois étoiles dont le restaurant Ultraviolet, à Shanghai, bouscule les habitudes des clients gastronomes, notamment avec son culte du secret (l’adresse du restaurant est inconnue) et son usage des technologies.
Selon Paris Match, manger à l’Ultraviolet vous fera débourser en moyenne huit-cent euros. “Exorbitant certes, mais justifié par la vingtaine de plats du menu, la qualité des produits, l’expérience digne d’un son et lumière de Disneyland et les trois employés à la disposition de chaque convive.”
Avec sa casquette vissée en permanence sur la tête, Paul Pairet tranche dans le paysage de la gastronomie française.
Pour cette nouvelle aventure, le natif de Perpignan, qui avait déjà tenu le rôle de chef invité lors de la 10e saison de l’émission culinaire l’année dernière, devrait faire parler son talent et son originalité, à l’image de son parcours.
In Asia, French chef Paul Pairet’s radical Shanghai restaurant Ultraviolet uses projections, lighting, scent and sound to transform its single-table space into a virtual world where supper is a cinematic, multi-sensory adventure.
Coronavirus – Le chef Paul Pairet a dû fermer ses restaurants à Shanghai : “C’est presque un état de siège”
Mais disons le plat le plus connu : la lemon & lemon tart.
Comme c’est “chiant” à faire, c’est probablement ce qui l’a sauvé de la copie.
TOP CHEF : Le catalan Paul Pairet, meilleur restaurateur du monde, intègre le jury de Top Chef
Un chef étoilé avant-gardiste, dont la cuisine va pimenter cette nouvelle saison.
Paul Pairet est un chef reconnu par ses pairs. Il a, entre autre, été distingué meilleur restaurateur du monde en 2018 par les Grandes Tables du Monde.
Un palmarès qui fait la légitimité du chef au sein du jury de l’émission. Une cuisine qui bouscule les codes et que le chef souhaite révélatrice d’émotion.
c’est une véritable immersion multi-sensorielle et un sommet de gastronomie ludique – qui lui a valu de recevoir trois étoiles dans le Guide MICHELIN. Sa participation à Top Chef 2020 ne laissera indifférents ni les jeunes cuisiniers ni les téléspectateurs…
Paul Pairet, c’est une certaine idée de la cuisine. Pleine de sensibilité. Technologique. “Ultra” avant-gardiste surtout, écrivait L’Indépendant en avril 2017. A l’Ultraviolet, le chef Pairet a créé une salle immersive dans laquelle il met en scène, au centre d’un univers d’images et de sons, les plats d’un menu exceptionnel.
Ultraviolet By Paul Pairet, Avant-Garde Cuisine At Its Finest
Tucked away in an undisclosed location in Shanghai lies one of the most innovative, Michelin 3-star restaurants in the world.
“L’arrivée de Paul a été une belle complicité et une approche culinaire vraiment intéressante pour nous et les candidats”.
Les autres chefs du concours de M6 doivent redoubler d’efforts pour imposer leurs candidats dans la compétition puisque Paul Pairet est le chef le plus étoilé et le plus influent selon Vanity Fair.
Avant-gardiste, son établissement propose plus qu’un bon moment culinaire, c’est une véritable expérience multisensorielle qu’il propose, avec sons et lumières…
La sala da pranzo di Ultraviolet è ascetica senza decorazioni, artefatti, dipinti e panorami. È una stanza appositamente costruita e dotata di una tecnologia multisensoriale di alta gamma come proiettori di profumo secco, illuminazione scenica e UV, proiezione a parete a 360 gradi, proiettori da tavolo, diffusori a fascio e un sistema di diffusori multicanale.
Restaurangen är extremt lyxig och bjuder på en experimentell upplevelse där alla sinnen aktiveras. Upplevelsen börjar med att gästerna samlas och tas sedan till en hemlig plats. Måltiden, som består av 20 rätter, ackompanjeras med musik, dofter och bilder.
A legmodernebb hangszórókkal és neonfényekkel az étterem személyre szabja az érzékszervi élményeket az étkezéséhez, így „multi-szenzoros élményt” élvezhet a vendég.
值得注意的是,今年有两位餐厅在上海的主厨进入世界百大名厨榜,分别是Paul Pairet(Ultraviolet,排名39)和Nicolas Le Bec(Villa Le Bec,排名82)。
The impressive restaurant concept merges sound and sight with taste in order to transport diners to unique locations via their palate.
un solo tavolo per 10 persone al quale a tutti i commensali viene servito un menu degustazione di 20 portate dello chef francese Paul Pairet, un mito in città.
Few would argue that French chef Paul Pairet’s avant-garde Ultraviolet is a mind- blowing experience, a theatrical event that uses multisensory technology to create an immersive dining experience.
Ultraviolet nie je len gastronomický podnik. Toto miesto v čínskom Šanghaji vytvára rovnováhu medzi umením a jedlom. Chuťové bunky sú v rovnakej extáze ako vaše oči. Ultraviolet je zážitkový podnik pre všetky vaše zmysly. Opojí vás dizajn reštaurácie a samotné jedlá vás dostanú medzi široké pláne, rozbúrené more či tropické ostrovy.
J’ai toujours traité l’argent de l’investisseur avec encore plus de stress que si c’était le mien. Il ne suffit pas pour un chef de mettre son nom sur un produit, il y a un vrai investissement de travail qui doit être équilibré avec l’investissement financier du partenaire.
Habang naghahain ng tanghalian o hapunan ng 20 pinggan, chef Paul Peyre Pinahuhusay ang pakiramdam ng mga bisita, pagpuno sa kuwarto na may isang iba’t ibang mga flavors, ang pagpapalit ng musika para sa bawat ulam at pagbuhos ng mesa at ang pader ng maraming kulay na ilaw.
2019 TimeOut Shanghai Love Awards:
Fine Dining Restaurant of the Year: Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet
El escenario es el siguiente: una sala, una única mesa, diez sillas, comida deliciosa y unas pantallas que hacen de pared. Mucha tecnología al servicio de la gastronomía para crear una experiencia innovadora, donde los comensales harán una inmersión en diferentes escenarios de fondo, durante la degustación.
1,000 best restaurants on the planet:
Shanghai : Ultraviolet / Chef : Paul Pairet
Tout cela, c’était avant le Fooding, avant Ferran Adrià et la vague hispanique. Avant même qu’Alain Ducasse et Paul Pairet ouvrent respectivement Spoon et le Café Mosaïc, premières tables fusion dans le Triangle d’Or de la capitale, annonçant des révolutions en avance sur leur époque.
Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet is experimental, futuristic, and theatrical beyond anything you’ll find in the United States, a truly singular experience that’s a bucket list meal for serious foodies.
The immersive dining experience is perhaps one of the most unique experiences you could participate in at a restaurant.
Immersive dining experiences range in definition and quality. Let’s start with the best:
Ultraviolet in Shanghai sets a gold standard for immersive dining.
Il ristorante più multisensoriale del mondo è il visionario Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet a Shanghai.
The most multisensory restaurant in the world is the visionary Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet in Shanghai.
À l’Ultraviolet, pas de superflu et a priori l’ambiance semble minimaliste.
Ultra Violet est l’ambition ultime d’un chef perfectionniste, le rêve de toute une vie.
Incroyable expérience avant-gardiste, un dîner à Ultra Violet ne ressemble assurément à aucun autre. Paul Pairet est l’un des rares chefs français a voir hissé sa table dans la liste des 50 meilleurs restaurants au monde. » C’est magnifique et délicieux » confia Alain Ducasse qui fut son premier client.
Amb Ultraviolet, el xef perpinyanès cerca l’exclusivitat per mitjà d’una experiència immersiva inclassificable i sense parangó en la gastronomia actual, en què conceptes com l’emoció i el psicogust adquireixen tot el protagonisme.
L’Ultraviolet, son restaurant étoilé, est le premier restaurant à miser sur les 5 sens au monde, un des très grands de la gastronomie en somme.
Ces dernières années, on voit « pop-er » plein de restaurants sensoriels dans la même veine que l’ultraviolet. Mais qu’importe. Paul Pairet est loin d’être, lui-même, d’être le premier à s’intéresser à l’intégration de plusieurs sens dans un repas. En Revanche, Ultraviolet est le premier restaurant a intégré les 5 sens dans un repas.
“Paul Pairet’s cuisine has been awarded three stars for three years now and this is a testament to the open-mindedness of the Michelin guide, whose one of universal judging criteria is the personality of the chef through his plates, and also show the expertise and the ultimate sensitivity of its inspectors”.
Am spektakulärsten und gefragtesten ist derzeit wohl das »Ultraviolet« von Paul Pairet, eine Mischung aus Fine-Dining-Restaurant und Virtual-Reality-Show.
This immersive dining experience from French chef Paul Pairet takes shape within a bare bones room with no decor, no ornaments and no views.
Billed as the first multi-sensory restaurant in the world, Ultraviolet uses sight, sound and smell to enhance its food through a controlled and tailored atmosphere.
The immersive, multi-sensory meal at Ultraviolet in Shanghai is more than just dinner.
The exhilarating, immersive, gastronomic performances at Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet in Shanghai, China.
Ultraviolet is considered by many to be the most avant-garde restaurant experience in the world.
Chaque repas se transforme en une expérience dépaysante qui mobilise tous les sens du client.
Son restaurant “Ultraviolet” à Shanghai en Chine, 3 étoiles au guide Michelin, a révolutionné l’univers de la gastronomie.
UV拥有亚洲最高科技的厨房,餐桌周围密布着多频环绕声音响系统、干香扩散仪、形状跟踪识别器等设备,这些都是为了给食客带来更好体验的工具和手段。七年过去了,模仿者无数,但Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet仍然是独一无二的、完成度最高的那个。
I would love to discover this restaurant as I am sure to enjoy a unique and exceptional experience with a complete change of scenery.
O Ultraviolet é uma experiência inesquecível para qualquer pessoa! Não deixe de provar a irresistível torta de limão.
This Shanghai restaurant has the trifecta of hidden fine dining — it’s unmarked, extremely exclusive and an unforgettable culinary experience.
Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet is considered by many to be the most avant-garde restaurant experience in the world.
Founded in 2012 and in many ways still new to the scene, Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet however is currently considered by many to be the most avant-garde restaurant experience in the world.
Ultraviolet incorporates technology traditionally used in unrelated fields to drive and control the psycho taste and enhance the perception of food.
No.48 Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet
The ultimate in immersive, multi-sensory dining.
The dish marks the point of genesis from which everything surrounding grows.
More art installation than restaurant, this avant-garde space is still as progressive as the day it opened in 2012.
Ignore everything you think about food and dining. Ignore the half of your brain that complains about money. Ignore the half of your brain that builds the pedestal from which you read (write) these reviews.
Ultraviolet is more than food. Ultraviolet is more than dining. Ultraviolet is BETTER than your favorite vacation destination. At times in the evening it rivals falling in love.
By experiencing food in such a completely orchestrated fashion and in an environment that causes each of your senses to point back to taste/smell for the ultimate say on whether or not it is good you can discover/rediscover things. You discover the smell of cut grass on a lawn – but there is no picnic and there is no lawn only the suggestion of such things. You discover a street hawker in Singapore – from a chair in Shanghai – selling meat that melts in your mouth (literally) (…)
We did UVC. This was hands down the best dining experience of my life. Amazing! There is a reason this is 3 Michelin Stars. It’s incredible. It’s honestly hard for words to express how mind blowing this experience was.
Chef Paul Pairet is a genius. He’s also an artist. The amount of passion this man has is amazing! (…) Go, you won’t regret it (…)
mystere, illusion, génie culinaire, une équipe au top tant en cuisine qu’au service et à la surveillance video des 10 élus qui ont pu faire ce voyage.
Maître Paul, vous êtes un fou génial comme tous les grands créateurs et les grands artistes .
Les cinq sens sont tout le temps sollicités 16 plats accompagnés de crus exceptionnels. (…) vous nous avez reçu comme des amis. Un grand cuisinier, un grand manager, un inventeur génial et amical.
Ultraviolet is cinematic, it’s curiously whimsical and moving, always unexpected and at times edgy, with the artistic interpretations and presentations seamlessly integrated with the primary focus point – fabulous and perfectly cooked food (…)
Video: Ultra Dining at Ultraviolet
At the restaurant Ultraviolet in Shanghai, the chef Paul Pairet has taken dining and turned it into theater, adding ambient music, unorthodox utensils and enhancing scent.
(…) pour moi, aucune n’égalera jamais le dîner multi-sensoriel que j’ai dégusté chez Ultra-Violet, dans un mystérieux quartier de Shanghai. Et ce, grâce à un chef… perpignanais ! Il s’appelle Paul Pairet (…) faire vivre à dix personnes chaque soir un repas où tous les sens sont convoqués. Le goût avant tout, ainsi que la vue, l’odorat, l’ouïe et même le toucher !
Beyond a tasty experience, Paul Pairet offers a journey through the senses tinged with memories from his childhood (…) All over the dinner, between flames, grass and water, the team dances, sings and swings with you, in a choregraphic ballet where beating rhythms and popular melodies infuse each sparkle of taste. (…) Paul Pairet. Initiator of dreams and escape. Creator of memories.
My top restaurant experiences in 2018
1. Ultraviolet: I was initially skeptical about this “multisensory” experience, but chef Pairet cracked it and created his own genre.
The most amazing food experience in Shanghai: Ultraviolet :
I went in with super high expectations and excitement, and was totally floored by the experience. It surpassed every and anything that I thought it could be.
It was a culmination of all the senses being stimulated so strongly that one would feel overwhelmed.
I felt the force, the force of Paul Pairet.
Desde que conocí las experiencias gastronomicas más alla de lo culinario en Barcelona, me entró curiosidad de cociner donde más en el mundo se hacen cosas así, me dijeron que Ultraviolet era la madre del cordero y aqui que me vine!, definitivamente no se puede desvelar más de lo que las imagenes online dicen pero es todo un lujo, los sentidos estimulados todos al instante para tener una experiencia sublime, eso si, prepara la cartera.
Do not miss this opportunity. Book way in advance. Learn the reservation system. Probably the most fun and delicious dining experience I’ve ever had. And I am a seasoned eater. I don’t need to say any more. JUST DO IT.
In today’s day and age, being extremely surprised by anything “for good reasons” is becoming increasingly uncommon. I’m therefore delighted to be writing this because there are still talented artists out there who wish to take us to another level. Paul Pairet is one of these true visionaries with an inspired vision of what defines culinary bliss. He is keen to share this at his table for 10 in Shanghai and I was lucky enough to find a seat there last week.
Everything about the journey – from the pick-up and transport to a secret location in Shanghai by minivan to the encore at the end with the chef himself entertaining us in his kitchen – was extraordinary. 4 hours went by in what seemed like minutes. I felt truly transported to another place.
Each beautiful dish is introduced, presented and served by two wonderful hosts (with the assistance of a tribe of well-trained waiters) accompanied by an audiovisual spectacular of light and sound. It’s important to remind you that the experience is not overwhelming or shocking – there’s a curious sense of déjà-vu and delight as well as much humour and playfulness at times as each objet d’art is placed in front of you.
As a pescatarian teetotaller I am pleased to add that I was thrilled when the restaurant made very effort to fully integrate me into the entire experience without making me feel uncomfortable – bravo.
All in all, an amazing evening which was worth every cent and which I will be endorsing to all family and friends for the rest of my life – thank you.
ps. @Paul Pairet, if you ever wish to write about your extraordinary history behind each dish, please get in touch! Perhaps this could be an exciting project because I am very curious to know more about your inspiration and I’d be delighted to give it a shot. Have a look for my collections of short stories on Amazon Kindle titled ‘Passing Thoughts Between Bus Stops’ and ‘One Item Or Less’ to see if there resonance 🙂
This is a very special restaurant. The setting was dramatic and beautiful. The quality of food and service was spectacular and what you’d expect of 3 Michelin stars. However high-concept or even pretentious that this could seem, the execution is done with such joy and delight that it becomes completely accessible and comforting. The food is magnificent on it’s own, but comes to life with the fragrances, surreal imagery and music that set a scene and build a story. I can’t rave enough about the visuals; they were stunningly beautiful. Each course had a new story so you felt like you traveled from the ocean, to the forest floor, into the earth then off into outer space. We enjoyed the UV8888 menu the week between Christmas and New Year, which featured luxurious wines; each pairing was right on. We were concerned that 15 courses would be too much food but it wasn’t. The plates were small yet satisfying, and paced well. We left full, but not too full. I don’t think it’s possible to pick a favorite course; the scallop with sea urchin, the shrimp with fruit leather shell, the burnt bread truffle soup, the wagyu beef, the frozen mandarin were all sublime. The wine was also abundant and not too much. If we finished a glass before the food they would refill, and with the Grand Vin Chateau Latour, and Opus One, that was a great thing. The meal was a fantasy come to life, and certainly worth experiencing.
Ultraviolet offers an innovative dining experience that stimulates the senses and is truly unlike any other in the world.
Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet is “exceptional” and “worth a special journey”.
“这是一个神秘的地方,让食客开启一段奇妙的感官体验之旅,Paul Pairet 提供了高水准的前卫美食,是一场真正的美食之旅”。高质量的烹饪技巧、味道、对口感的精准把控以及复杂却精彩的呈现方式,卓越的技术水准和不可思议的创造性让 ULTRAVIOLET by Paul Pairet 成为了一家非凡绝伦的餐厅,值得专程去一次上海。”
《时代周刊》专栏记者曾写道:在世的最后一餐,只有他(Paul)能给予我满足……无论是允许休闲装入内的Mr & Mrs Bund,还是Ultraviolet餐厅令人啧啧赞叹的各种幻景,都说明他无论何时都会是餐饮业的年轻血液、艺术家以及永恒的叛逆者。
Paul Pairet 的上帝之手筑起一座封闭的感官世界,4个小时,心无旁骛,沉入精心编排的剧本。
Un spectacle doté d’une scénographie incroyable qui va bien au-delà de la cuisine et qui ne fonctionnerait pas ailleurs que dans cette ville.
A show with an incredible scenography that goes far beyond the cuisine and that would not work anywhere but in this city.
Manifests a new “taste-tailored” atmosphere using sound, scent, lighting and imagery.
Together, these elements tell a story and evoke the senses to trigger memories, emotions and flavors, something Chef Paul Pairet calls “psycho-taste.”
Son restaurant (…) est une véritable aventure. Il s’appelle Paul Pairet.(…) Il est class comme l’un des 100 meilleurs du monde. C’est un perfectionniste,
When Ultraviolet finally opened, it was one of the very few restaurants in the history of gastronomy that truly made a difference.
(…) eating at Ultraviolet is an experience that incorporates elements that no one has done so systematically in a restaurant before. To top it off, Pairet adds an element of mystique as the location is unknown, and guests have an evening that is full of surprises, twists, and turns. Additionally, guests don’t see the immensely complex infrastructure that is behind the restaurant, as they only get to see the equivalent of a perfectly rehearsed operatic performance. It is the first Gesamtkunstwerk in modern gastronomy.
Shanghai – voyage au centre du monde
(Report on Paul Pairet, his restaurants and Shanghai)
Unorthodox chef Paul Pairet takes multi-sensory dining to new heights at ultra-cool Ultraviolet.
Les 100 restaurants du monde qu’il faut avoir essayé une fois dans sa vie ! / The 100 restaurants in the world that we must have tried it once in your life!
Paul Pairet, Ultraviolet, China – one of Top 50 in the World
Fish and chips – the dish is inextricably linked to the Brits the world over, even as far away both culturally and geographically as China.
At Ultraviolet in Shanghai, an avant-garde “multi sensory” restaurant with a waiting list of months, there’s a homage to fish and chips. When the deep-fried delicacy arrives, the Union flag is projected on to the tabletop and glasses of ale are poured. And in case the guests haven’t quite clocked which country the restaurant is referencing, the Beatles play on the soundtrack while the walls are transformed into windows lashed with rain.
“An experience of half a lifetime”
The meal was a total experience consisting of not just the 20-odd dishes paired with drinks, but also sound, light and images. It’s something you have to try for yourself, I would just say that it was impressive, very creative, knowledgeable and we’ve enjoyed it immensely. We have been to many restaurants and some really good ones in many parts of the world and this was a unique experience that PP worked passionately for after a stint at Jade on 36 followed by MM Bund. (…) food is not just for the stomach nor the palette, but also for reflection.
Des restaurants au design époustouflant
Une table dressée quelque part à Shanghai… Les clients d’Ultraviolet découvrent au dernier moment le lieu où se cache ce restaurant aussi confidentiel qu’innovant, où est orchestrée chaque soir une expérience multi sensorielle et immersive. Ici pas d’architecte d’intérieur mais un dispositif technologique de pointe : murs d’images animées, diffusion de parfums et bande-son synchronisée avec les plats du chef français Paul Pairet.
Interviewing Caroline Scheufele
Una de las comidas que más me ha impresionado ha sido el restaurante Ultraviolet en Shanghai, dirigido por Paul Pairet. (…) Pairet está obteniendo gran éxito con esta experiencia de cuatro horas. Son momentos gastronómicos multisensoriales que hacen confundir el gusto con las emociones hasta llevarte a un nivel evocador sin precedentes.
Shanghai’s only immersive dining experience is a treat for the senses. A table for 10 seats guests together in a “taste-tailored” dining room with special lights, sounds, music, projection, scents and cool air. Sit back and enjoy the avant-garde 20-course set menu that includes alcohol pairings, even as the dining room transforms around you.
Ultraviolet, Shanghai’s most unique dining experience. (Just be sure to reserve well ahead—heck, plan your trip around it.) Ultraviolet is a 10-seat restaurant in a secret location (they deliver you there by car) presenting a 20-course avant-garde set dinner accompanied by its own taste-enhancing choreography of sounds, scents, and video projections.
2014: Shanghai’s Favorite Eats & Drinks
Dominic Ngai, Dining Editor, City Weekend: “One word: Ultraviolet. This wasn’t just a meal but also a performance, with the dishes serving as individual chapters of a very intriguing story. There are so many moving parts, but they all come together to form a cohesive plot line. The experience was so satisfying; it was almost like I had just devoured a great book (or an entire season of House of Cards) in one sitting.”
Ultraviolet: Paul Pairet’s Shanghai spectacular
(…) in Shanghai, a similarly sized table serving only ten guests is now the centrepiece of one of the most extraordinary dining experiences anywhere on the planet.
Ultraviolet is the creation of French-born chef Paul Pairet and is arguably the most well thought out audio-visual attempt to stimulate, intrigue and complement a feast of 20 dishes along with an unsurpassed selection of paired fine wines.
“When Alexander saw the breadth of his domain, he wept for there were no more worlds to conquer.”
And yet? The concept of UV could be taken to New York, Paris, London ?
And it would conquer even more worlds. The world deserves places like this which takes dining and wining to a TOTALLY different level. (…) This is my first review of a restaurant ever. Why? I have to say that this is by far the best “eating experience” I had EVER.
Ultraviolet isn’t really “just” a restaurant. It would not be fair to say, even though the food was the most delicious and brilliant courses combined with excitement, thrilling sounds, smells, lights and much, much more (…)
I can say – though – that the 25 people in the team of the famous genius Paul Pairet did an EXCELLENT job. The main host Sascha did a truly amazing job to make you fell welcome, as well as Lucy and the rest of the team did a fantastic job to make you enjoy. The best part was the non-snobbish way and very professional way they behaved, told about the wines, dishes etc. I can’t wait to go back!
“The best eating experience in my life!”
This is truly unique. No, it’s not cheap, but believe me – it is worth it! Chef Paul’s food is magical, the service is really sophisticated, funny and perfected into every detail and the rest is just not comparable to anything you’ve ever done. Total ‘total dining’ experience is a must! My recommendation is to go for menu A first and menu B for the second time (which you will book!).
Paul Pairet, génial chef français, installé à Shanghai depuis 9 ans vient d’ouvrir un restaurant original et unique au monde: « UltraViolet » pour un dîner limité à 10 personnes. Pour ce rendez-vous gourmand, les convives sont conduits dans un lieu tenu secret dans les entrailles du vieux Shanghai pour faire une expérience gastronomique multi-sensorielle et multi-dimensionnelle exceptionnelle. Le concept a été pensé en 1997 par Paul Pairet, 15 ans plus tard, il réalise son rêve. Une première mondiale ! (…) Une expérience efficace et merveilleuse
“A meal for all senses – the total experience!” After hearing about UV for some years now, we finally got two seats one Saturday night in October. We came with pretty high expectations, worried that we would be disappointed.
But we weren’t… The food, the atmosphere, the setting, the surroundings, the staff – if was just fun, fun, fun. When the evening was over I had a strange kind of headache. It was from having a huge smile on my face through the 22 course meal!
This is the place to experience if you are a big foodie and lover of the unexpected. It’s pricy and hard to get a table – but we didn’t regret going there for a second!
“Definitely an incredible experience” We discover this place by accident, and what a great discovery it is.
We enjoyed one of our best evening dinner in a restaurant. Everything, every detail are so amazing. The food is delicious (…) What really worth the experience is the whole concept: the music, the decor, the service. You are 10 guests. You also exchange with the other guests, and that’s very nice.
What I preferred was the sound experience. I am french, living in Shanghai, and I also enjoy the very french atmosphere. There is really something very special there. I highly recommend to try UV.
One of the world’s finest patissiers and chocolatiers, Alsace-born (Pierre) Hermé travels the world with his work. He speaks to Alicia Miller about chocolate plantations in Latin America and eating out in Shanghai.
The restaurant I most want to go to in the world — is Ultraviolet in Shanghai. There are only ten seats and you are picked up from a meeting place before so you don’t even know where the restaurant is! The chef, Paul Pairet, makes it a true dining ‘experience’.
“特別的晚餐非常好!” Ultraviolet 是值得大家去的一家餐厅 (…) 享用这大概20道菜的时候,墙上不断移动变化的影像,10个人坐一起 享受这让人兴奋,激动人心的一顿晚餐!食物,服务非常好!这不仅仅是一顿奢华的晚餐,这让我重新对美食料理有了真正意义上的改观!
“Such a great, special dinner!” Ultraviolet is so worth it. This restaurant has four empty walls, but has changing visuals and films while serving about 20 courses. All 10 guests sit together to really enjoy this exciting, inspiring dinner! Food and service is fantastic. This is not just a luxury dinner; it gave me a significantly new perspective about fine cuisine!
L’eatertainment, quand le restaurant devient un parc d’attraction
Aller simplement au restaurant ne suffit plus à nos âmes zappeuses en constante quête de nouveautés ! Surfant sur la vague de l’eatertainment (eat + entertainment), les restaurants transforment les repas en expériences multi-sensorielles, à l’instar de l’Avant Garde Ultra Violet Restaurant à Shanghai. Avec son unique table de 10 convives, cette salle de restaurant atypique émerveille nos sens : à chaque plat servi, l’ambiance de la pièce change : les murs changent de motifs, des lumières sont projetées au sol, la température varie en même temps que les diffuseurs d’odeurs et haut-parleurs, jusqu’aux tenues des serveurs !
On the dramatic end of the spectrum is French chef Paul Pairet, who after years of wild success running his acclaimed Mr. and Mrs. Bund (still considered one of the best restaurants in the city), Pairet launched his bold new restaurant, Ultraviolet, in 2012. (…) Ultraviolet lives up to the hype as a delicious, psychedelic trip for all five senses. Chef Paul Pairet fuses expertly prepared gourmet cuisine and high-rech theatrics to create an out-of-this-world dining experience.
Best Luxury Restaurants In Shanghai – Top 10
No. 1: Ultraviolet
As always No.1 has to be a really special venue and special is the only word that can suit this restaurant.
Ultraviolet is the first restaurant of its kind to provide a multi-sensory experience. That means 360 degree video projections, surround sound music and even custom scents that are supposed to enhance your dining experience. Enhance is a little word, it actually brings food to a whole new level.
Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet—a multi-sensory meal where the 20 courses are each enhanced by lights, sounds, music, and scents—lives up to all the hype. This ten-person, single-table culinary experience takes place in a secret location and has to be booked online three months in advance. If you can get through all that you will understand why—it is food as theater and truly food that is meant for thought.
Fans of molecular gastronomy should try their luck getting a spot at the now world-famous Ultraviolet. Chef Paul Pairet’s brainchild is a multi-sensory dining experience (…) It’s an indulgent, unforgettable adventure that’s worth the splurge.
Une curiosité : le restaurant « Ultra Violet » à Shanghai
Shanghai, ville « monde », attire les créatifs et les artistes. Le cuisinier français, à la réputation internationale, Paul Pairet, y a installé un restaurant exceptionnel, classé premier sur 12 414 sur TripAdvisor. » Expérience incroyable, service, mise en scène extraordinaires, nourriture sublime, « voilà ce que l’on peut lire dans la presse, y compris spécialisée.
Ce qui intéresse Design Folia, c’est le décor et son design: une table rectangulaire, des chaises et une scénographie qui met en correspondances des sons, des images, des odeurs, on pourrait dire des effluves, des parfums, qui accompagnent les plats. Vous vous souvenez de vos études littéraires? Du sonnet « Correspondances » du maître Baudelaire? Avec Paul Pairet, nous y sommes! Il offre à ses clients une expérience multi sensorielle parfaite.
“Spectacular dining Experience” We went to the Ultraviolet for a special birthday. We had an amazing dining experience. The combination of food, drinks and ambience is above and beyond any other dining experience we ever had.
We had “Menu A” the original. Is amazing the perfect orchestration of the different elements activating each one of the five senses. I will stay away from any technical feedback as in our opinion this is not cooking, is art!
Paul and team thanks for an amazing dinner we will try to come back soon if we are able to find an other spot!
“An Amazing Experience” This definitely goes in my top 3 fine dining experiences, making it the #1 on my list of all time.
I’ve heard a lot about this but didn’t know what to expect and was completely blown away by the food and the experience. They really do appeal to all your senses with visuals, sounds, smell, taste, and feel. It is quite a long meal but things are well paced and I found myself eating stuff I normally wouldn’t eat (i.e. raw fish). Everything was pretty much amazing and delicious. You can really see the thought and effort that was put into everything.
(…) Definitely would recommend this as a one time experience as it is quite expensive but totally worth it.
“Lo MEJOOOOR” En mis viajes, no he encontrado mejor experiencia que esta! Vale cadaaaaaa yuan pagado y mas! No solo la comida es excelente sino que la mezcla de aventura, compañía y ambientación, la hacen inolvidable!
“The BEEEEEEEST” In my travels, I have found no better experience than this! It’s wooooorth every yuan paid and more! Not only the food is excellent but the mix of adventure, company and atmosphere make it unforgettable!
At the very other end of the culinary spectrum is Ultraviolet, Shanghai’s most revolutionary dining experience: one that ‘unites food with multi-sensorial technologies’. The fun takes place in an undisclosed location and involves 20 themed courses. For the ‘Ocean Scene’, French chef Paul Pairet serves oysters and crab with whisky and iced tea alongside the sound of crashing waves and the smell of seaweed and vaporised salt water.
“Beyond Words” It is rare for me to be as blown away by one meal as we were by Ultraviolet. “Everything that everyone else said plus some” was our experience. Truly, for once in my life, this is beyond words. All I can say is: it is absolutely worth it! The food, the drinks, the service, the performance art, writing on the walls, sliding down the fireman pole… truly if I say too much, it will ruin the surprise. Suffice it to say: Go! Definitely go!
“Ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous”
This was the most amazing culinary experience in my life. Unprecedented. We were blown away.
I’d call it a meal, but it was much more than that. It was like a show. An experience. Something we will remember forever. We were hesitant with the ridiculously steep price, but totally worth it and we want to go again. 22 courses, amazing flavors and presentation each one.
“Ultraviolet enabled my six sense” I do not want to give any spoilers but OMG, you totally need to try this place. They will stimulate all your senses while having a magnificent dinner. Once in a lifetime experience (…)
“Brillant” Mise en scène éblouissante , goûts de l’enfance retrouvés dans le comble du modernisme, surprises et créativité à l’extrême, moments d’intimité et de délectation, quelques mots pour résumer une soirée inoubliable chez UV, invention géniale de notre hypissime french cooker à nous, on vous prévient, on le garde à Shanghai!
“Brilliant” Getting dazzling scene tastes of childhood found in the height of modernism, surprises and creativity to the extreme moments of intimacy and enjoyment, a few words to sum up an unforgettable evening with UV, brilliant invention of our hypissime french cooker to us, we will warn you, we keep it in Shanghai!
If you crave exclusive, once in a lifetime experiences, then Ultraviolet is definitely the restaurant you want to sink your teeth into. (…) What makes Ultraviolet so unique is that it’s the first restaurant of its kind, attempting to marry food with multi-sensorial technologies in order to create a fully immersive dining experience. This means you are served a 20-course meal in a room with bare walls, which reveal multi-sensorial technologies to match your meal. Each course is enhanced with its own taste-tailored atmosphere including visual, audio, and scented elements to tease your 5 senses. All of this puts Ultraviolet in a league of its own.
(From Dutch) Who is going to eat in Ultraviolet begins his adventure in the car. (…) With odors, air flow, sound and projection, the French master chef Paul Pairet creates for each course – twenty in all – a totally new mood.
‘Psycho taste’ plays an important role. (…) the taste affected by more than just the actual taste of the food.
An all-senses-on-deck gustatory experience cultivated by the inimitable French chef Paul Pairet, who spent nearly two decades honing the concept and finding the right time and place to launch Ultraviolet. Expect the finest and most creative presentation of meats, seafood, drinks, and sweet creations presented alongside theater, with floor-to-ceiling screens and “scent diffusers” (…) Simply put, Ultraviolet is pure fun, or as Alain Ducasse said, “C’est magnifique et delicieux!”
10 places to Eat at before you die | Gaggan Anand, one of Asia’s top restaurauteurs, picks his finger-licking good eating places in the world.
Ultraviolet, Shanghai: This restaurant takes dining to a completely different level. It’s a relatively secret dining place where only 8-10 people can dine at a time. It is a visual, audio and culinary treat.
“A great and very different culinary experience” We waited 6 months (as had to cancel our first reservation) for a place at this single table, 10 seat piece of “gastro theatre” but it was well worth it. The food itself is, well, a bit weird, but that’s the whole point, it makes you think about food in a very different way. Add to this the sensory experience of moving visuals on the walls, accompanying sound and “smell” tracks and it’s a night out that you won’t forget in a hurry. It’s not just a gimmick either, the food was excellent and the veal we had on our visit was truly the best I have ever tasted, hands down. (…) Overall very well done and manages to avoid the pretentiousness that we suspected might accompany the experience. A great night out, booking is essential, up to 3 months in advance.
(From French) Paul Pairet, a singular chef for a unique restaurant (…) Ultraviolet, a restaurant that gives new meaning to the word restaurant (…) An appointment at Ultraviolet, where Paul Pairet controls all, thus provides a unique moment, deep into the mind of a chef with a minimalist cuisine, avant-garde and fun.
Ultraviolet, restaurant unique au monde à Shanghai
Connaissez-vous les points communs entre un grand chef cuisinier, un divertissement et la ville la plus peuplée de Chine ? Non ? Et bien pourtant il y en a un : le restaurant Ultraviolet du Chef Paul Pairet à Shanghai. (…) Plus qu’un restaurant, Ultraviolet est une expérience, une attraction, un phénomène, une immersion,… bref, une mise en musique de nos 5 sens autour d’une expérience inédite conçue et imaginée depuis 15 ans par le chef cuisinier.
(…) Déguster l’expérience, vivre et partager des émotions encore plus riches autour de plats extraordinaires, c’est çà le concept de Paul Pairet. (…) Alors quand le concept importé en France ? Rêvons un peu … Et si vous passez en Chine, ne loupez pas Ultraviolet !
In Shanghai, there is Ultraviolet, an extraordinary restaurant inside an old factory, where ten diners sit in an enclosed container, which is then surrounded by relevant projected images and sound for each course. (…) I ate here last March and found it to be the most amusing and stimulating meal I have eaten this year – and the other surprise was that the accompanying paired wines really worked !
All’Ultraviolet, Pairet vi offre lo psycho taste
10 ospiti, un luogo segreto, 22 portate, 22 esperienze di gusto, un conto da 400$ a persona. Queste sono le regole per poter partecipare ad una serata all’Ultraviolet, il primo ristorante multisensoriale del mondo.
Hai mai mangiato un’aragosta e immaginato il rumore del mare? Ed hai mai desiderato di assaggiare fish and chips, calpestando la bandiera inglese ed ascoltando i beatles? All’Ultraviolet di Shanghai tutto questo è possibile. Ad ogni portata, un video irrompe sulle pareti della sala riproducendo un’ambientazione unica e personale.
Superando i limiti tradizionali del menù à la carte, lo chef Paul Pairet è stato in grado di creare un contesto in cui, grazie alla tecnologie e alla sperimentazione, si è costantemente sottoposti a complessi stimoli sensoriali. Ad ogni portata si assaggia non solo cibo di alta qualità ma si prova quello che Pairet chiama lo psycho taste. (…)
“Unique and fun experience” My husband and I were blown away with this entire experience. (…) Our entire group had a bunch of fun together. Now, onto the food. We had a 24 course menu and from that 24 course menu, (…) It was a night that I am very glad we took the time and money to make happy. We got to take a look in the kitchen and meet Chef Paul afterwards, which was real cool as well. If you have the chance, make sure you try to get in!
(From German) An extravagant feast for the senses promised by chef Paul Pairet with his avant-garde restaurant concept Ultraviolet. It receives a table of ten guests per night, serving an exclusive 20-course meal at an undisclosed location. Each dish is proffered in combination with specific audio-visual and olfactory effects – a sense of enjoyment of the highest class!
A night spent at the Ultraviolet restaurant in Shanghai is a true life-changing experience. Its grand opening, in 2012, revolutionized the “going out to dinner” concept.
It is a place where you no longer taste solely with your buds, but with all your bodily receptors. The one and only table available in this restaurant is placed in a high tech room where smell, UV light, images and sounds become side dishes for your main course. Each recipe is garnished in such a way that sends the taste of the food to another dimension.
La gastronomie met les sens au cœur de l’assiette
La vue, l’ouïe et l’odorat sont dorénavant convoqués dans une gastronomie à l’avant-garde des sens. Parmi d’autres, le restaurant Ultraviolet, à Shanghaï, et son chef français innovent tant qu’il affiche complet pour les trois prochains mois.(…) L’objectif n’est pas de divertir, mais d’élaborer un « scénario qui éclaire le plat » : « La scénographie est là pour ramener au plat, lui donner plus de force », explique Paul Pairet. L’emprise est telle sur les gens qu’on arrive à décupler le goût, à le rendre plus fort ». Par-delà ses cuisines, c’est tout un nouveau courant à la frontière des sciences et de l’art qui se penche sur le mystérieux plaisir des sens.
Asian appetites for new and exciting culinary experiences present mouthwatering opportunities for creative chefs like Paul Pairet. His Ultraviolet restaurant in Shanghai sends diners on a multi-sensory journey, combining food, film, ambient lighting, scent and sound in a boldly imaginative culinary experiment. One minute you’re eating fish and chips to The Beatles as the rain lashes around you, the next you’re tucking into melted Gummi Bears while the restaurant staff run laps around the communal table.
“What an experience” I had the opportunity to dine at UV on the 28 of March and the experience was bigger and better then expected to composition of food, perfect service, drinks and entertainment was just amazing !
Eating is believing!
Arriving in Mr & Mrs Bund to be greeted by Sascha (your host) and a few glasses of cider does not really prepare you for what lies ahead. (…)
It’s kind of like Walt Disney remade A Clockwork Orange and set it in the best restaurant ever. Can’t imagine that? I guess that’s kind of the point. Never have I been to a restaurant where all the patrons were beaming with smiles from beginning to end, and the staff all seemed so genuinely happy to be there. It’s almost sickening really!
Trust me, save up, rob a bank, pretend you have cancer and start a fake charity – it doesn’t matter if your friends and family disown you – it’s worth it.
You too will be able to say you paid 5000 kwai for the honour of allowing Paul Pairet and Ultraviolet to take a big, anxiety dousing wee all over you.
You will never forget it, and it was worth every penny!
“Excellent concept” Je mis suis rendu en décembre 2013. Une expérience incroyable à tous les niveaux. Un service, une mise en scène extraordinaire et nourriture délirante. Je le conseil à tous le monde.
“Excellent concept” I made the visit in December 2013. An amazing experience at all levels. The service, extraordinary setting scene and foo make people delirious. I recommend it to everybody.
While chatting to a friend upon her return from Shanghai, listening to her recount her amazing experience in the Chinese city, I watched her pull out a little brochure from her purse with an expression of utter excitement. That’s when she began describing what seemed to be the ultimate dining experience…
The name of this seemingly fantastic restaurant is Ultraviolet. The concept was created by the French Chef Paul Pairet and is based on a fully immersive dining experience. What this concept does is to offer an innovative and experimental culinary journey. By uniting food with multi-sensorial technologies, this restaurant engages all of your senses…
The experience includes light, projections, sound, music, scent, air flow, and temperature as core ingredients of the menu. “Ultraviolet’s concept is rooted in the need to control the relevance of the random ambiance factor in order to further enhance the dining experience.” (…) I hope Mr. Pairet decides to return to his motherland and share this unique concept with food enthusiasts like myself… here in Paris!
“Best experience ever!” The experience at Ultraviolet was amazing. The food was of course wonderful but all the evening itself, the food and the ambiance, was just fantastic. They have different options, I did option B (UVB) which is a more culinary experience (haute gastronomie) , UVA is more “recreative”, but obviously food is still the best I ever had. I highly recommend it, at least once in your life. You will never forget this culinary and magic experience.
“Une folie……” Habitué des tables etoilees je connaissais par plusieurs repas chez Mr and Mis Bound le Chef… mais la… on reste sans mot… Tout ey est… du jamais vu.
Odeurs, visuels palais… TOUT EST SOLLICITÉ… un repas a rien d suture comparable… une expérience unique. Vous passez a Shangai… réservez 2 mois avant et vous ne reverrez JAMAIS QQ CHOSE DE COMPARABLE…!!!!
“Fantastic experience” Incredible experience, from start to the end.
It’s a whole sensory experience, be prepared to be surprised, amazed, not only by the food but by the overall event. Can’t wait to go back.
We were just 2 of us, and actually it was great to be with other people we did not know.
“Best Meal Ever” It will sound cliche, and perhaps trite, but this was without a doubt the best meal I have ever eaten. The food was beyond fantastic and amazing. I had the single best bite of food that’s ever entered my mouth in a bread, truffle, butter dish. The food did not overwhelm the sensory experience, which was really cool. The staff was superb and extremely friendly. Meeting the chefs at the end was an very nice treat. Turns out the head chef on our night is from Columbus, OH so we had a connection with him being from Ohio.
There really is no way to describe the evening and do it justification. You simply must try it though. I could not recommend a restaurant more.
In May 2012, French chef Paul Pairet opened his 10-seat multi-sensory restaurant Ultraviolet in an undisclosed Shanghai space. (…) As former New York Times critic Frank Bruni put it back in October, Ultraviolet “is one of a mind-bending kind.”
Adventurous diners have also made Ultraviolet into one of world’s tougher reservations. (…) In the following interview, Seckemeier explains how Ultraviolet’s booking system works and offers tips on how to score a reservation.
Behind the Scenes of Ultraviolet Restaurant for a Multi-Sensory Dinner
An evening at the secret Shanghai restaurant, in the kitchen with chef Paul Pairet: a multi-sensory journey through the whole 20-course tasting menu.
(…) Standing in my tiny corner of the kitchen, I share their enjoyment of the beautiful food and watch, Big Brother-like, their delight for the perfect show. This might not be, as Pairet would say, artsy, but it is art, art in much the same way a great movie is.
An invisible segment of the light spectrum is a strange name for a restaurant that offers such a visual experience, even to those who watch it on a closed circuit TV from the kitchen. (…) Mostly the multi-media meal left me speechless, though I learned two important things that I can put into words. One, this incredulity-inducing meal is really Paul Pairet’s personal and professional autobiography, although there’s a phenomenal team of almost 30 people working week in week out to republish it five nights a week. Two, only toast one side of the bread. Just one. Toaster appliances are white man black magic devilry.
Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet – Evolution
Situated at a secret location somewhere in Shanghai, Ultraviolet takes its guests on a culinary journey where the music, lighting and even the smell of the room are all carefully chosen to match the plate. This holistic approach takes fine dining to a whole different level and turns dinner at Ultraviolet into a truly unique experience.
“Ridiculously fabulous” I was blown away by the food let alone the overall dining experience. Seriously one of the coolest restaurants I’ve ever eaten at. HIGHLY recommend!
Best Dining Experience in Shanghai (actually, Best Dining Experience EVER!)
(…) Ultraviolet by Chef Paul Pairet is an intimate dining experience that combines outrageous food (20+ courses!) with an immersive video experience that completely surrounds the single table for 10 guests (yes, that’s right – only 10 diners a night!). Each course was paired with a beverage (some alcoholic, some not) and a video/music montage designed to excite every sense!
Meanwhile, the food was just as beautiful (and delicious)! (…) In a word – RIDICULOUS!
(…) Suffice it to say that it is the best dining event I’ve EVER experienced.
“Unique & Unforgettable !” When it comes to food, I can turn crazy. UV is probably the best food experience you can have nowadays. This is way more than just another gastro restaurant. You will not regret, you will not forget! It’s been 2 month I have been there, whenever I hear about it I feel like passing another booking.
The Manfriend and I had a once in a lifetime date at Ultraviolet, a super secret hideaway in Shanghai. This is a magical place where advanced technological factors alter the perception and experience of tasting food (by the way, we’re not talking just any food, not just fashion food, not just French or Italian or Shanghainese food – but thoroughly thought through, creatively prepared, flavor-infused foods made into 24 courses… yes, it’s quite a pity that these trousers didn’t come with any stretch).
“Du jamais vu !!” EXCELLENT, sensationelle, époustouflant… J’ai eu la chance de faire le menu A et B 🙂 Je suis devenu vrai fan du travail de Chef Paul Pairet !
“Never heard of!!” EXCELLENT, sensational, breathtaking… I had the chance to do A and B menu 🙂 I have become a true fan of the work of Chef Paul Pairet!
“A Mad Teaparty makes for a Stupendous End to a Wonderful Year in China”
Not only is the food and drink astounding and unique, not only are the visuals and music captivating, but the people—servers, cooks, and chef—are so darned nice. (…) the whole event has a Lewis Carrollian feel to it, down to AstroTurf on the table at one point, and later, animated table settings. Musical selections and visual displays were thematically tied to each course: this is truly food for thought.
Each course demanded to be savored with eyes closed and then opened by table mates’ squeals of delight by the smells, sounds, and flavors of an incredible mixture of ingredients. The pageantry of the presentations, the adherence to consistent color spectrums, the mood setting—a picnic in an orchard, a ’60’s psychedelic trip, the lapping of the waves underneath a pier, ending with a Charlie Chaplin film where Chaplin cooks and eats his boot while his friend envisions Chaplin as a large chicken—all contribute to the overall theme of the ebb and flow of abundance: one (or two or three) succulent bite(s) of more than 20 courses are presented in a way to allow the participant to honor and appreciate the ability of food to sustain us and make us happy to be alive.
I will return with my husband and others because this is not an experience to be found anywhere else in the world.
“Very best food theatre” These people have taken the concept of culinary to the next level. The food theatre is at its best. It is also quite expensive, however it is worth it. The meals, service and ambience deserves a 10 star rating. I cannot recommend this restaurant enough. Paul Pairet is truly amazing in conceiving a new concept in Culinary. The concept is not about private dining rather it is social dining. It is truly an experience that should not be missed by anybody who loves food very much. Amazing service and quality of food was spectacular. The ingredients were rich and the dishes served were tasty that I wanted more.
Ultraviolet, c’est une expérience qui va bien au-delà de la cuisine, et pour la vivre pleinement et faut préserver l’étonnement, il faut l’approcher avec surprise… c’est pour cela qu’au blog F&S nous avons décidé de simplement vous divulguer quelques brides … l’histoire est à vivre en live sur place !
Vous allez voyager dans l’irréel, dans des univers qui vous seront familiers, mais aussi vers d’autres qui sont imaginaires ou inspirés d’un monde artistique. Vous vous projetterez dans le futur, puis vous vivrez des flash back comme des lumières qui ont marqué votre mémoire.
(…) La cuisine est habillée de lumière, chaque plat est un univers sensoriel. Si vous vivez l’expérience avec concentration, si vous oubliez l’extérieur, si vous vibrez pour la création, vous passerez de l’émotion au sourire, de la passion à la gourmandise… le tout sans frontière, seulement un moment où vous serez emporté par la mise en scène.
Parfois… aller de Bali à Marseille, c’est aussi oublier les frontières… Le cuisine est seulement un élément du spectacle… les sens sont en éveil !
(From German) The Ultraviolet restaurant in Shanghai, the dinner becomes a Gesamtkunstwerk – incredibly pretentious but also awesome.
(…) Ultraviolet in Shanghai is one of the few examples where molecular gastronomy, sensory impressions and provoked associations are matched so well and thought out among each other, a meal as a Gesamtkunstwerk – a total work of art. Each course comes with a perfectly matched drink and its very own sense of space.
Culinary opera and light shows to trend in 2014
(…) One of the major restaurant trends set to take off next year, for example, is the sensory dining experience pioneered by French chef Paul Pairet, whose avant-garde restaurant Ultraviolet in Shanghai serves up a theatrical meal that engages all the senses.
Ultraviolet | This high concept restaurant takes experimental, and experiential, dining to a whole new level. Conceived by much lauded French chef Paul Pairet, Ultraviolet was launched in May 2012 and has boggled minds and taste buds ever since. (…) Hardcore food-lovers will relish this chance to engage their imaginations as well as their stomachs.
It was the most unbelievable meal I have ever had, with wildly inventive dishes that were never inventive just for the sake of invention. It was taste over technology, new because it was improved. (…) no matter how playful or profound the presentation, the food was the star. French chef Paul Pairet had considered all of the senses—sound, sight, smell, feel, and certainly taste.
Paul Pairet Interview
Q. What made you want to become a chef?
A. A children’s cookbook I had for my 9th birthday: “Le manuel des recettes de grand Mere Donald” (…)
(Translated from French) Ultraviolet is a unique restaurant of its kind. It offers a taste experience, centered by the multi-sensory.
An inspiring chef: Paul Pairet is what may be called an intrepid cook. (…) It is in China where eventually he dropped his bags and moved to Shanghai. He rode there the concept restaurant named Ultraviolet. The basic idea is the notion of multisensoriality. Dinner is a global experience, where all the senses are involved. (…) This is a completely avant-garde concept, which intrigues people by its originality.
“Taking culinary to a new level”
This is an absolute must for a foodie visiting Shanghai! Head Chef Greg and staff will take your taste buds to a place they have never been while capturing every other sense you possess an infuse them for an unforgettable evening. You won’t be disappointed!
“Culinary Sensual Overdrive” At first you might wonder about the price of a single meal. But all I got to say to you is that it will take the whole evening! And 22 courses and 12 drinks are more than worth it! Be part of the privileged 10 people who dine at this amazing dining extravaganza.
Asia’s best dining experiences | There are people who travel to Asia only for the food.
Jens Hørup Jensen, Aarhus: Multimedia food in Shanghai
Forget Noma – Ultraviolet Shanghai is a vibrant multi-media work of art where you are in the center and eat you out. You get a meeting point – there is only one table for 10! (…) This opens up a world of art, music, scents and food. It all served in a perfectly coordinated show invented by French chef Paul Pairet.
“Food theatre at its very best” I’m struggling to describe just how good Ultraviolet is. This restaurant is worth the visit to Shanghai alone. The concept is brilliant, the food quality is of the very highest standard. Not cheap for a meal but to experience this evening it was worth very penny. Nothing was too much trouble for Chef Paul or the host for the evening Sacha (David Beckham lookalike). My wife was diary intolerant and a menu was worked out just for her. I am teetotal and again non alcoholic drinks for each course was served to me. I cannot tell you the level of detail and the planning that Ultraviolet puts into each dinner but everything is thought of. 10/10 and a must do.
“Like being part of a modernist multimedia gastro artwork” No doubt, its expensive, but worth every Yuan. You get to this old neighbourhood and stop inside a parking lot and from here the magic starts.
It’s a tour with the Austrian Mr. Sascha Speckemeier as host and the inventor Paul Pairet in the engine room – and 23 other gastronauts to provide the scene. All this for 10 guests.
The journey starts and it is a super well coordinated experience. Sound, smell, texture, food, breeze, wine, video. Everything is so amazingly set up and it was a spotless performance. 22 courses (I wasn’t counting, so it’s a guesstimate) and various vine, drinks, liquors, fluids – your are in for the full treat.
I will not tell you more – just go for it and experience for yourself. It cannot be described, its a feeling that will last for very long, probably your entire life. My best description is that it’s like: “being inside a modernist multimedia gastro artwork and you have to eat your way out!” It’s the escape you will need to do once in your lifetime.
“Yes, it’s worth it. If you think you’ve seen it all, you’re mistaken.” I purposely did not ask too many people about their experiences further than knowing it was “amazing” because I did not want to know too much. And that proved to be a good move. This is an experience, not merely a dinner to fill your stomach. You will be transported to the riverside of Puxi with the view of the amazing skyline, Paris and the Eiffel Tower will be in your immediate view too. Marseille is in the backdrop as well. Sometimes it’ll feel like you’re having an LSD/acid trip at Disneyland, other times, you’ll feel like a bug on a windowsill waiting for the rain to subside. They’ll play with all of your senses, which is what makes this experience so unique. If I am not making sense, thats the idea, you’ll need to see it to believe it.
(…) On to the food. Each course is paired with a visual masterpiece which is at times, breathtaking. We had UV Menu A, which includes 22 courses with drink pairings. The food was stellar, and I am comparing this to other restaurants around the world at this price point. (…) We’ve been to a lot of restaurants around the world at a similar price point, and I thought this was worth it for the once in a lifetime experience (but if I can I will try to go back!).
Our agenda of 10 places to visit in the coming months, pooled fromt eh four corners of the world
Ultraviolet Shanghai: French chef Paul Pairet first conceived the idea of Shanghai restaurant Ultraviolet 15 years ago, when he decided to challenge the traditional à la carte service — or mise en place, to use his own terminology — and create something far more pioneering. Fast-forward to last year when Ultraviolet opened, and the result was the world’s first multisensory immersive restaurant.
On the complete opposite end of the unusual Shanghai dining experiences spectrum is Ultraviolet. Shanghai’s most unique and certainly most exclusive restaurant, the restaurant is the brainchild of French chef Paul Pairet, and one that was 15 years in the making. The dining room is a stage for the evening’s performance and the audience is one table of 10. Ultraviolet is a literal feast for the senses.
Dell’arte e della cucina: Cookbook hits Beaux-Arts
Twins | Paul Pairet
Paul Pairet, dell’Ultraviolet di Shanghai, sorprende mettendo in scena il suo concept Twins, in cui due piatti esattamente uguali sono serviti al cliente con la differenza che uno è costruito in chiave salata e l’altro in chiave dolce. (…) Ed in questo che il Twins di Paul Pairet è forse il lavoro che rappresenta meglio il senso non solo dell’esposizione, ma della cucina di oggi.
Paul Pairet, of Ultraviolet Shanghai, surprises us by staging his Twins concept, in which two dishes are served to the customer that look exactly the same, except that one plate is built in savory and the other in sweet. (…) And in all these the Twins by Paul Pairet is perhaps the work that represents the best the sense not only exposure, but the cuisine today.
Multisensory Dining: It took chef Paul Pairet 15 years to execute his concept for Ultraviolet, the extravagant multisensory restaurant in Shanghai that has only 10 chairs. (…) To call the restaurant an “immersive experience” would be an understatement. Of course, the immersive concept itself isn’t new, but Pairet’s take on it has spurred conversation about how other restaurants around the world interpret multisensory dining.
Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet Se puede decir que este restaurante es el más famoso actualmente en Shanghái. (…) el chef Paul Pairet combina perfectamente los efectos de los sentidos con innovadores platillos.
Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet can be regarded as the most famous restaurant in Shanghai today. (…) chef Paul Pairet perfectly combines the effects of the senses with innovative dishes.
An all-encompassing sensory experience at Shanghai’s Ultraviolet restaurant.
In the quest for the perfect culinary experience, restaurant owners will go to great lengths to create a unique dining atmosphere for customers. Nothing quite compares to Paul Pairet’s new restaurant Ultraviolet in Shanghai.
The Taste of Emotion – Multisensory Dining at Ultraviolet
Chef Paul Pairet was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award at Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants in 2013 for his work in the Shangri-La Hotel, his Mr and Mrs Bund restaurant and most recently his multi sensory dining restaurant Ultraviolet in Shanghai.
Ultraviolet features a range of interesting technology from lighting to projections on the walls and even the tables. The venue, which is kept secret from the diners lucky enough to get a seat, even has technology fitted to disperse scent at certain points throughout the meal increasing diners perception of smell. (…) a new video by The New York Times we can now look behind the scenes at the restaurant, hearing from the chef and discovering just how a dinner at this futuristic restaurant plays out.
10 New Fusion Flavours You Must Experience
Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet is an immersive dining experience in Shanghai, by French chef Paul Pairet. The restaurant is pure theatrics; with surround sound, and floor-to-ceiling video screens, in an effort to provide diners with the ultimate multi-sensory experience.
It is no surprise that the most futuristic restaurant in the world is in Shanghai.
Ultraviolet, which chef Paul Pairet calls “the project of my life”, needs almost no introduction. As the first restaurant attempting to unite food with multi-sensory technologies to create a “fully immersive” experience, it parades some astonishing stats.
(…) The journey that followed was absorbing, at times psychedelic, full-on, often parodic, and playful. (…) Several times, I was left feeling like there couldn’t possibly be anything that could make the dish better, an affirmation of Pairet’s ethos that “a dish is ready when there is nothing left to add or take away… above all, flavors should taste divine, assertive, sending taste buds into raptures”.
“This place deserves 10 stars!”
Expensive, yes. Once in a lifetime experience, absolutely! An absolutely amazing experience, meal, environment, service, everything. This was one of my major treats while I was away and was not disappointed, simply amazing! The less you know about it before hand, the better!
“Never seen anything like this” I had huge expectations when I went there. I have heard a lot about this place, everybody told me how great it was.
Once I arrived, I was totally surprised. It was even better. It was not at all like my friends told me.
And that’s probably the only problem about UltraViolet. There are no words which could describe what it is like. Go there and see for yourself.
“Mindblowing!” Very trippy culinary experience! Paul Pairet has managed to put together a really different kind of concept at Ultraviolet. You could not ask for any more ambience; the food is extremely well thought yet seemed effortless, every single course was executed to perfection and paired with the most exquisite wines out there. If you are a food enthusiast and you are in Shanghai, this place should not be missed. Reservations are a must, in fact it is the only way to dine here so plan ahead.
La gastronomía futurista es el arrebato de la década y Paul Pairet, el internacionalmente reconocido chef francés, crea ante esta imperante necesidad de digitalizar nuestro mundo, el exclusivo restaurante parisino «Ultraviolet».
The futuristic cuisine is the rapture of the decade and Paul Pairet, the internationally recognized French chef, created before this urgent need to digitize our world, the exclusive restaurant “Ultraviolet”.
“Wow, wow, wow. An experience not to be missed by any foodie”
At least now I have a very clear answer for that party question – “So what was your most memorable meal ever?”
Ultraviolet Shanghai exceed expectations even though they were very high to begin with. I went with 4 mates form Sydney, Australia. We all agreed that even though the price was approx 850USD, it was good value believe it or not.
Ambiance futuriste, technologie multisensorielle et bien sûr plats originaux. Le restaurant Ultraviolet du chef Français Paul Pairet fait de plus en plus parler de lui. C’est que l’établissement, situé à Shanghaï en Chine, offre une expérience psychogustative, alliant art culinaire et divertissement, aussi unique que théâtrale…
“Best Dining Experience EVER” Like other reviewers on this page, I do not want to share too much. I deliberately did not scan reviews before my dining experience at Ultraviolet. I was not disappointed.
It truly is a dining experience, it is not just about extraordinary, exquisite food, but also about getting sensory stimulation through sounds, sights and smells that are pared with each of the 20 courses, just like the drinks are.
The food is 1 fantastic course after another. The way it is presented, prepared, flavored and constructed is innovative, unique and utterly delicious. Even for a non-oyster eater (me!) I absolutely loved the way that Chef Paul created that particular dish.
I devoured everything put in front of me – in many cases, I actually wanted to lick the plate clean. I am still in awe of the taste explosion that was our meal!
Some highlights: ALL of the food, the intimate, attentive and very personal service, meeting the chefs at the end of the evening (with surprise).
“I’m coming back again!”
I tried menu A. And the whole experience- plus the nice ending where Chef himself was behind the doors cooking- was absolutely brilliant! Food is sooooo good kings & queens will go down on their knees for more!
Ultraviolet’s TRUFFLE BURNT SOUP BREAD is one of the most delicious dishes in one of the most delicious (20-course!) meals you will ever experience, and it only happens in Shanghai.
French chef Paul Pairet calls his 10-seat, single-table creation a “fully immersive dining experience,” and I am happy to report, it is. (…) The food is the star, but the other audiovisual elements (and scents!) and the staff’s performance and attention to detail conspire to make this a night you will never forget.
耀眼紫外線 (…) 最近在上海吃了一頓終極盛宴,可說是繼 El Bulli 後飲食界另一里程碑。(…) 令五官得到前所未有的體驗。
The Dazzling Ultraviolet (…) such an ultimate dinner in Shanghai, which I consider another milestone in culinary world after El Bulli. (…) The impact to our five senses is the strongest that we’ve ever felt so far.
“Restaurant N° 1 sur Shanghai”
Superbe soirée entre amis, l’attente à été longue (3mois) mais l’attente valait le coût !
Une superbe mise en scène, un repas fractionne en petites bouchées qui se suivent le tout arrosé de vin de bonne qualité et bien assortis avec le menu.
Le prix est élevé mais correspond réellement à la prestation fournie. Je recommande ce restaurant.
Paul Pairet’s cutting-edge Ultraviolet aims to make eating out something truly remarkable. (…) The food is clever and whimsical, using molecular gastronomy techniques to put new spins on classic concepts. It’s a presentation unlike anything else in the world.
“One of the best restaurants in the world” No words or pictures can do Ultraviolet justice, it is an unparalleled experience for all five senses that you must try for yourself.
(…) ultimately, it’s all about the food, which is extraordinary. I don’t want to write in detail about what the experience is like, because UV goes through great effort to make each seating (of which there is only one a night for ten people) a surprise for newcomers, it is a huge thrill I refuse to spoil. That said – as someone who has travelled the world in search of the best meals – the cuisine of Paul Pairet and the crew is in a league of its own.
Here you will find some of the most inventive and delicious cooking to be found anywhere in the world, which ranges from the finest dining to an atmosphere that feels as relaxed and comfortable as a dinner party at your friend’s house – they enjoy playing off these sort of contradictions and expectations in every way, constantly surprising you with every one of the twenty or so courses (come hungry).
(…) It’s worth a trip to Shanghai to go to UV alone, it transcends a place to just go for dinner, it is one of the landmarks in the entire region, rivaled only by the likes of the Great Wall.
(…) It is impossible not to enjoy UV, no matter your level of food education. If you don’t go to UV – like never seeing Nirvana in concert, or going to elBulli before it closed – you are missing out on one of the great experiences of our time.
“One of a kind”
I won’t say too much about the whole experience as part of the pleasure is to be surprised and amazed by what’s coming… but let me say: Wow ! What a show, I have never seen anything like it.
Everything, from the atmosphere to the staff to the decor to the food and to the drinks (I asked for non alcoholic pairing) were absolutely magical and full of creativity. The staff are absolutely lovely and the food is out of this world! It is such a one of a kind experience that the price is worth paying.
Once-in-a-lifetime dining experience: Ultraviolet – Chef Paul Pairet’s multisensory, 360 degree dining experience is one of the most memorable meals we have had in our lifetime. Really. It’s a 21-course food “journey” for a lucky 10 dinners per night.
“A Total and Sublime Immersion”
The experience at UV is hard to describe because it is so unique and touches all senses. While our intention was to fully indulge in great food in little portions; it was so so so much more as every aspect was appealing to the eye, nose, ear, company, provoked a typical style, a grand atmosphere, perfect service, wonderful interactions, etc.
A culinary adventure which brings to live what it means to really go with the flow and to enjoy every second, every bite, every sip of it…. Highly recommended if you are capable to set yourself free and to follow blindly Paul Pairet and his team as your guides. Magic!
Sensation is sensation. It doesn’t matter what induces it, only that it’s pleasurable.
There are lots of clever little in-jokes and references, plenty of theatrics and a generous helping of camp. Most importantly, the food is still spot on, with plenty of surprises in its own right.
What happens when you stimulate all five senses during a meal? The simple answer: A gastronomical experience unlike anything else.
Ultraviolet is the brainchild of Shanghai’s beloved French chef, Paul Pairet. And it offers a dining performance too complex and creative to be called a restaurant, but a concept too ahead-of-its-time to even have a name. (…) Ultraviolet serves up a 22-course meal, which means 22 uniquely crafted scenes and sensory experiences. (For all you figure-conscious foodies, that is 22 bite-sized meals, each of which packs more punch than any one big meal can deliver elsewhere).
I can’t say the changes in temperature, creative soundtrack, subtle scents, and vivid visuals sharpened my sense of taste any more than usual. But I can say that everything served at Ultraviolet is amazing, even without the theatrics.
For once, I came out of a “restaurant” completely wowed. My friends and I couldn’t stop talking about the whole experience. It was like we shared a “moment” together. Or in this case, 22 “moments”.
Pairet’s Ultraviolet. An incredible psycho-gustative odyssey lasting 4 hours and 22 dishes
The food is of the highest (…) It needs to be pointed out that all dishes, on top of being remarkable, are always served in a very fun and unassuming way. (…) certainly one of the most experimental and challenging, one of the most fun and accomplished of the recent past.
If you are remotely interested in food and willing to pay the price, I strongly suggest you go to this restaurant. Quite amazing overall. I don’t think there’s another restaurant like this anywhere in the world. It is worth the price.
The Extraordinary World of Ultraviolet
One of the key inspirations that began to lure me down the experiential, multi-sensory path was an extraordinary restaurant that goes by the name of Ultraviolet.
For over fifteen years, French-born and trained chef, Paul Pairet, quietly masterminded the concept behind Ultraviolet. What he then brought to life last year in Shanghai was a purposefully mysterious yet groundbreaking dining experience. It successfully redefines the entire concept of luxury by disregarding ‘class’ devoid of context, and tasting without prejudice.
(…) A stream of praise ensued with the opening of Ultraviolet’s curious doors last year, with Alain Ducasse saying, “C’est magnifique et delicieux,” and the New York Times deeming it a “multisensory eating experience that goes beyond the mere taste of the food.” (…) What I drew from this fully immersive dining experience is that the true essence of luxury goes far beyond any pre-conceived ideas of what luxury ‘is’ or ‘should be.’
Celebrity chef Paul Pairet’s revolutionary 10-seat multi-sensory experience Ultraviolet was years in the making. (…) truly sensory-bending dining experience.
(…) head to Pairet’s original restaurant, the hip and buzzy Mr & Mrs Bund, which was named in the 2013 San Pellegrino World’s 50 Best Restaurants.
Watch: Paul Pairet Making Breakfast
Limelight Studio has produced this nifty little video of Paul Pairet cooking breakfast.
Un grand moment de plaisir ou se croise le bohneur du palias, un décor de reve, une ambiance qui decoiffe. Le cocktail est extraordinaire. C’est du bohneur en tranche qui se deguste petit a petit. Du luxe, c’est enorme, vivement qu’on revienne. Felicitations.
“This has to be the best restaurant in the world!” A dinner at Ultraviolet is so much more than a dinner. It’s an enchanting journey for each of our 5 senses. To say that Paul Pairet is a genious is an understatement. Each dish is served in an unexpected way, and surprises are neverending. One could think that what’s around would enable the food to taste better. Well, no! Close your eyes and you’ll realize you do have in your mouth a fireworks of unexpected tastes and textures like you never had before.
There’s only one problem with this place: the time you need to wait to get a seat…
There are people who do small elements of it but not necessarily as a whole concept. There’s a great experience you can have out in Shanghai at a restaurant called Ultraviolet. Everything is designed. (…) The idea was created by chef Paul Pairet. He’s really pushing the boundaries.
Ultraviolet by Chef Paul Pairet incorporates thematic video and perfumed air into his dining experience.
Shanghai-based international chef Paul Pairet has recently opened a 10-seat restaurant that lets its guests experience dining with sounds, smells, music, and projections. Ultraviolet is a multi-sensory restaurant that combines exquisite and top quality cuisine and advanced technology. (…)
The avant-garde chef unites cutting-edge technology and quality cuisine (…) create a truly immersive experience. (…) With its own “taste-tailored atmosphere”, comprising scents, sounds, projections and music, the experience enriches each course.
We were the first one to do this. Setting the record straight (…) the 20-course meal at Ultraviolet strives to strike a balance between fine dining and good humor.
The one joint table is only for ten guests. With fragrances, air flow, sound and projection the French master chef Paul Pairet creates for each course – twenty in all – a totally new mood.
Those who are lucky enough to be served by French chef Paul Pairet and his team, often speak of an unbelievable dining experience.
“Unlike anything you’ve ever experienced”
It doesn’t even do it justice writing a review as you simply have to experience it to believe it.
Created by Frenchman Paul Pairet, Ultraviolet is the most hip restaurant located in Shanghai
“Fun and fulfilling experience”: Paul Pairet and his team work together to present course after course of tasty surprises. The whole evening has been planned well with perfect execution of choreography.
“Great Fun” It was a great night out – lots of laughs and fun and of course brilliant food and service. Totally off the wall without any pretentiousness or stuffiness.
(…)multi-sensual gastronomy was launched into a completely new sphere(…) Ultraviolet; the world’s newest and arguably most innovative restaurant experience (…)
Les beaux gosses de la cuisine: Paul Pairet, le plus expatrié |
The beautiful kids of cuisine: Paul Pairet, the most expatriate
(…) Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet: The city’s most buzzed-about new restaurant (…)
“A celebration of food” (…) it isn’t like any restaurant I’ve been to before. There is a reason this is the number 1 restaurant in Shanghai. (…)a team of excellent chefs and servers sharing something they are clearly passionate about.
Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet
At Ultraviolet, Pairet marries his multiple talents – and passion – while creating a brand new dining experience never-before-seen in any restaurants.
PAUL PAIRET, ULTRAVIOLET – Une interview à se lécher les babines !
S. Pellegrino World’s 50 Best Restaurants last month released the results of its inaugural rankings for Asia—awarding its first Lifetime Achievement Award to a French-born chef with two restaurants in the top 10.
At Paul Pairet’s Ultraviolet in Shanghai, the 10-seat dining room is outfitted with 360-degree video-screen walls, speakers and scent diffusers so that courses can be paired with images, sounds and aromas.
(…) Paul Pairet, one of the most anticipated figures in this OFF. In Shanghai, he designed the Ultraviolet, one of the most intriguing restaurants in the world.
TASTE AND TRANSCENDENCE(…) His food was world class, his restaurants convivial. Pomp and stuffiness were nowhere to be seen. (…) He’s pushed the boundaries of how people experience food. That experience is unimaginable in the extreme
This is probably the most unique dining experience in the world. (…) it was a wow evening and one I will not forget (…) It takes dining to a different level and in a few years has to become one if not the top restaurant in the world.
Paul Pairet, chef/owner, Mr & Mrs Bund (7th Place) and Ultraviolet (8th Place)
Within a week of landing in Shanghai, I’d already heard from two people about “The Restaurant”. Owned by acclaimed French chef Paul Pairet and as a sister property to Mr & Mrs Bund, his latest project is known as “Ultraviolet“. (…) We weren’t in a restaurant – we were in our host’s experimental theatre where every single aspect is controlled : The lighting, sound, smell, temperature, background, staff, even the table – it’s all under their control in a live feedback loop to and from the kitchen. (…) in joining culinary mastery with a completely immersive experience, this guy really does take it to a new level.
(…) Each and every course is a genuine surprise. Things really do not taste as they look; Food has hidden treasures inside; Magic tricks abound and very shortly, the entire table of prior strangers start interacting as the excitement of each course grows. (…) A few courses before the end of the evening, the star of the show reveals himself and all the technology behind the magic. A genuine and humble guy, Paul is eager to answer questions and explain how things are done – it seems UV really is his playground, where he gets to experiment without limits and provide every guest with an experience he knows they’ll love.
(…)here is the best restaurant in my life!!! (…) only one restaurant made me wanna eat everything!!!
(…)you will find no better and more unique dining event in Sh and probably also not in other places of the world. (…)very personal service and a staff which make you feel that they are proud to work for UV!
“The Best in Shanghai!” (…)an out of this world dining experience. Pairet has done a fanatical job of creating a purely sensual experience unlike anywhere else.
The French chef Paul Pairet has already won the first ever Lifetime Achievement award, chosen for his ‘delivery of sophisticated, avant-garde cuisine’.
Celebrated French chef Paul Pairet describes his new 10-seat, single-table Ultraviolet as the first restaurant attempting to “unite food with multisensorial technologies in order to create a fully immersive dining experience.”
Gastro Genius Paul Pairet of Shanghai’s Ultraviolet
“Emotion And Memory Are The Ultimate Luxury”
Best Bites of 2012 | Shanghai |Ultraviolet
When Ultraviolet opened in spring of this year, expectations the world over were high, and we never in our wildest dreams imagined that it could live up to the barrage of hype that – as much as the construction delays – had plagued the venue over the past three years. The concept (still) sounds absurd: a “full sensory dining experience” that promises “psycho-taste,” by pairing each dish with not just a drink, but a sound, visual and, occasionally, a scent. Such a scheme could easily fall victim to the overindulgent fusion of culinary and hipster culture that has been mocked relentlessly in food blogs all year, but it doesn’t. Half the fun is the surprise that accompanies each new dish – from the floor-to-ceiling video screens, to the exuberant waitstaff, to your nine dining companions – so we wouldn’t want to give away too much. Let’s just say that one of the 22 courses in our meal nearly brought a grown woman to tears.
My Top 5 for 2012: Best New Restaurants
1. Ultraviolet (…) is just so damn fun! It’s equal parts theater, satire and performance art. It is hands down the highlight of 2012, and so far I don’t see any contenders on the horizon for 2013 either.
(…) completely blown away, I would definitely call multi-sensory dining the experience of a lifetime. (…) it is for sure the best restaurant / dining experience in Shanghai right now. (…) each course is a journey that is oftentimes playful which is characteristic of Chef Paul’s characteristic sense of humour and inventiveness (…) Chef Paul to me is like a mad scientist, in the best possible way… challenging what we thought possible with food and totally transforming the dining experience at Ultraviolet. (…)inspiring laughter and joy and moments of pure (almost childish) delight.
Paul Pairet receives the Lifetime Achievement Award (from Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants).
It’s difficult to fully explain with just pictures and words; this was an utterly unique experience. The dishes themselves would have been fantastic on their own, but consuming them in this type of environment took them to another level.
The restaurant that I called ‘an incredible food experience’ and ‘a restaurant that people may travel to Shanghai for, just to try it out’ on this blog after our first visit.
Chef Paul Pairet(…)has been named the inaugural recipient of Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants’ Lifetime Achievement Awards (…)
The dishes’ conception is frequently playful and witty, their presentation theatrical in the extreme.(…) it takes the idea of the multi-sensory consumption of food – blurring taste with emotion – to an unprecedented and inspirational level. (…) this might just be the most avant-garde restaurant experience in the world.
I dare say this is the greatest culinary experience anywhere in the world right now.(…) unless you experience this yourself you cannot dare begin to grasp it!
Thank you UV team for absolutely blowing my mind and for advancing the world of culinary arts!
“Paul Pairet –the culinary genius behind Ultraviolet, Shanghai’s hottest dining destination | Never before has food been so revered, so playful, so engaging and so inspiring as it is at Ultraviolet. (…)
A new dimension has been added to fine dining.
“Unique au monde”(…) Paul Pairet, a vraiment frappé fort avec son dernier restaurant: UltraViolet. (…) original, délicieux, innovent, beau, imprévu, inattendu. On ressort de cet endroit avec une autre vision de ce que peut être la cuisine: un vrai art!
Ultraviolet has been the absolute crescendo, the best gastronomical experience ever. (…)simply amazed about the best culinary experience ever(…)
Food becomes final act, part and final piece of the sophisticated choreography of chef Paul Pairet, here he has created the most involving way to present his avant-garde cuisine, making guests live a unique experience, transporting in the ultimate luxury: Emotion.
Its one full night of exquisite culinary fun ride (…) an experience that excites your five senses.
This can become the world top new restaurant.(…) It is impossible to explain the taste of each dish, it is a symphony, and I think difficult to forget.
“INOUBLIABLE !!!!” ESTO ES COMO UN VIAJE EN EL ESPACIO !! como dicen los Frances “SacreBleu”. una experiencia única, loca, olfativa, una nueva visión del restaurante. El design epustuflante, y cada plato es algo quizas nunca visto. Amazing !!!!
Ultraviolet: l’acid-trip de Shanghai
Turn dinner into an emotional experience and unique multi-sensory.
Words fail(…)Everything written about this experience is an understatement. (…)An unforgettable, truly intimate sensory experience fusing sound, visual, taste and smell.
A great leader who exceeds his masters. His dishes are amazing and always surprising sobriety in alliances.
Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet (…) each dish in a fixed 20-course menu is paired with sense-enhancing experiences via 360-degree visual projections, loudspeakers and scent-dispersal systems.
Son et lumière et dîner et mystère: Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet
since its launch in May represents the lodestar for experiential event dining, not only in Asia, but the world over. (…) what’s on the menu is an all out, rollercoaster assault on the senses
“Unique!” What else can I say? Different from any other place, surprising, delicious, exquisite…. Worth the experience. A night (6 hours!) to remember.
My parents thought it was amazing, they never had such a dinner before in their whole lives. I talked to them for at least half an hour after they came back (which was long after midnight!), they had a fantastic night and could not stop talking about it.
French chef Paul Pairet is a seven-year veteran of Shanghai and the chef behind Ultraviolet, a striking follow up to his hugely popular diner Mr & Mrs Bund.
There are things eccentric in the modern world that makes you thinking. The latest innovation in restaurants is something that is worth seeing.(…)Ultraviolet by French celebrity chef, Paul Pairet.
I could only say I’m overwhelmed by this restaurant! I have never known that food could be so unconventional and so enchanting, until dining at this miraculous place.
A restaurant with an innovative concept that offers a new dimension to exclusive culinary and sensory experience. (…) a emotional journey for awakening all the senses with an ultra sophisticated staging (…) and a unprecedented menu of twenty Paul Pairet’s signature
He’s one of Shanghai’s most acclaimed chefs, (…) Paul Pairet has a new pet dining project: Ultraviolet.
Food for the Five Senses (…) using audio visual technology to appeal to all five senses, enhancing the dining experience by activating the diner’s “psycho-taste” – the expectation, memory and emotion associated with a meal.
(…) The experience caters to all of your senses with sublime gastronomic creations complemented by lights, sounds and scents. This gastronomic adventure certainly challenges the notion of dining experiences and points towards the future of luxe eateries.
“Best dining experience of my life!”
(…) I was one of the lucky ones to get a seat and it was a night I’ll never forget! I was apprehensive about the price at first but it is so worth it (and I’m a student.) (…) I could not fault the night at all. If there is such a thing as dining perfection this is it.
The BEST meal of my life!
(…)I still feel overwhelmed about the experience I had. I don’t think anything will ever be able to top it. I love food but I never thought I could feel so in awe about a dinner(…) It was bloody brilliant!
(…)you eat with your eyes and then with your sense of taste. Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet in Shanghai has ramped that up a bit. (…)
The renown French Chef Paul Pairet recently opened a restaurant Ultraviolet, providing not only culinary sensation in taste and smell, but also in visual and audio.
This is not only the most successful buzz operation targeting gastronomy lovers. This is not only a new high-concept restaurant for bored Shanghainese in search of groundbreaking experience. This multi-sensory odyssey, this culinary choreography is probably unique in the world.
Ultraviolet (…) Equipped with the latest multi-sensory technology, it provides a highly sophisticated staging, lights, sounds, smells, winds and cool air bathe projected images. The highlight of the show: a menu of 20 unique dishes signed by Paul Pairet. (…)
A theatrical extravaganza of sequential dishes and multi-sensory experiences, Paul Pairet’s futuristic Ultraviolet Restaurant turns the very idea of conceptual dining on its head. Guests are led in semi-darkness to a single solitary table, flanked by five chairs on either side.(…) Pairet creates a modal experience of “psycho-tasting” that could very well challenge the future of fine dining as we know it.
PP has pulled it off once again! UV (Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet) is 1 Beautiful Table, 5 Senses, 10 Comfortable & Stylish-looking Seats and 22 Divine & Incredibly Original Courses. A truly exceptional culinary voyage impeccably well executed by a team of highly hospitable and professional individuals. Congratulations to Paul Pairet, VOL Group and the Team for taking such a risk, and pulling it off soo beautifully! We look forward to returning & tasting menu B!
Ultraviolet Is A Restaurant That Feeds All Five Senses – Chef Paul Pairet is famous for taking ordinary restaurant menus and turning them into nothing less than gastronomic adventures. (…) But only recently did Pairet embark on a project that redefines the restaurant experience altogether. It’s called Ultraviolet, and rather than simply appealing to your taste buds, the fare at this ultra-exclusive, clandestine eatery tantalizes all your senses. (…)
an adventure that we won’t forget. Everything was superbly over the top and executed incredibly well. (…) There is so much heart and passion around the project – it is really infectious.
“ULTRAVIOLET – OFF THE SCALE” (…) Ultraviolet’s way, way more than a restaurant (…) but it does establish a benchmark for the ultimate meal.
one of the coolest things about the meal was just how surprising and inventive many of the dishes were the entire dining experience was really theatrical. (…) The entire evening was filled noises of pleasure as my fellow diners and I continued to eat. I found myself really savoring and trying to taste every flavor in every bite(…)
(…) a 22 course culinary experience that can’t be compared to anything else I have ever seen. Ultraviolet is incomparable to any other place, not only in Shanghai, but possibly worldwide. (…) The food was of course superb, or as Alain Ducasse wrote on the wall of fame: magnifique! (…)
Paul Pairet is a magician with food (…)
Tried Ultraviolet last night. This restaurant is AMAZING!!!!!!!! What an incredible experience. Sensory overload, but that is all part of the fun. Amazing atmosphere, food, and staff.
(…)really, the experience of dining at this restaurant simply cannot be captured by words, or even by pictures. You need to BE there and soak everything up in the moment. It’s a meal that will keep you on your toes, eagerly awaiting to be surprised by the next dish… Even Alain Ducasse loved the experience, how can you afford to miss it?
Yes, finally — The first multi-sensory restaurant, Ultraviolet — finally opened by the famous French Chef Paul Pairet, after 3 years of construction. (…).
Ultraviolet by the renowned Chef Paul Pairet is a restaurant full of creativity in mystery. Secret location, 360 degree surrounding visual projection and a cuisine without creativity limitation. A sensory-culinary feast priced from RMB 2,000 per person, also a dream journey.
With only a single table of 10 seats and a 20-course “avant-garde” set menu, Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet in Shanghai is the first restaurant of its kind. …the Ultraviolet team and their food are the star of the show.
For any self-respecting gourmet, not to be missed is the awesome Paul Pairet in Shanghai.(…) the hidden restaurant, and reservation is available to 10 customers each dinner… Ultraviolet… is the first restaurant that tends to associate futuristic, original dishes and multi-sensory technology to deliver an unparalleled experience.
So imagine our excitement when we first found out about Shanghai superstar chef Paul Pairet’s new project, which is about the most extravagant and daring take on culinary synesthesia that we’ve ever seen.
Which created a buzz in Shanghai these days among expats and wealthy Chinese is not the next holiday destination but the imminent opening, May 18 to be exact, the new restaurant of Paul Pairet, Ultraviolet. In this restaurant, where one table is laid with ten covers, this French chef proposes the most advanced dining experience in the world.
C’est magnifique et delicieux. Bravo!
Tu as mis ton cœur et tes émotions sur la table. Nous avons passé une soirée troublante qui restera un grand moment pour mes sens. Quelques jours après, je reste toujours habité par la beauté de ton travail.
Pour Paul Pairet, juste quelques mots, Pairet = Vatel ! Merci de nous avoir fait vivre ce moment de réve
Bravo que d’emotion ! Le monde Bouge avec toi (…) J’ai Aime, J’ai Pleure (…)
Quel beau souvenir!!!!
Je voulais te remercier pour cette fantastique expérience que tu m’as fait vivre, pas seulement j’ai découvert l’expression la plus original, creative et émouvant que j’ai jamais vu, mais le plus important j’ai eu l’occasion de me rapprocher d’un homme généreux et sincère.
Aujourd’hui le plus grand moment culinaire (…) Je decouvre un grand Cuisinier Fou.
Il y a des moments dans la vie qu’on oublie pas! Un grand merci!
J’adore, Paul Pairet la fait !!!
Immense respect. Bravo a toute l’équipe UV
One of my best dining experiences in my life !
J’ai passé chez toi une des plus belle soirée de style, de precision, de goût, de créativité et de talent. Ton talent !
Je suis très heureux d’avoir découvert ton univers Ultraviolet et ta cuisine.
J’aurai un immense plaisir à te faire découvrir en retour mon univers et partager avec toi un moment de goût.
Un grand merci encore pour cette expérience culinaire au-delà de mon imaginaire
Mes premières larmes dans un restaurant, des larmes de gourmandise et de magie!
Un repas chorégraphié a la perfection. Une ode a la joie signée Paul Pairet
The best of the Best – Amazing!
Ultraviolet est le rêve d’un homme, la réalisation d’une équipe. Un projet démiurgique et magique. Unique !
UV is amazing like nothing else.
The menu was fantastic. We so loved #3#8#12#14#22 and the wash bin dish. All of it was lovely. We enjoyed every single bite….
INTERVIEW WITH Directeur marketing de Bacardi-Martini en France, Italie et Grèce
(…) Votre expérience culinaire la plus marquante ?
D’avoir pu dîner chez Ultraviolet de Paul Pairet, à Shanghai, une expérience gastronomique et multi sensorielle unique au monde. (…)
从澳洲吃到欧洲,分子料理确实很难做到口味和层次感兼顾。比起法国的米其林很多都是环境胜过食物本身,UV真的做到了把口感和体验结合到完美。(…) 视频真的只是很小一部分,真正的体验一定要身临其境去感受这场视觉嗅觉味觉的盛宴!
一场绝无仅有的全方位视觉、听觉、嗅觉、味觉综合感官体验的盛宴。ULTRAVIOLET 不仅突破了传统法餐的界限,更是彻底颠覆了传统就餐体验!(…)这个从15年前就开始构思的前卫概念餐厅,2.5个员工与1个客人的配比,先进的科技和脑洞大开的创意,将声、光、影,无缝镶嵌入每一口美食之中,绝对是当今世界范围内值得打飞旳去体验一次的餐厅。
(…)It’s true that this place is more expensive than any other restaurant I’ve ever been to but I felt it was well worth it. It was a true one of a kind experience!
来自上海唯一一家米其林三星的餐厅Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet 大概在18年的时候去体验了一下,我只能用四个字来形容:物超所值!(…)
Extraordinary. Unbelievable. Unforgettable
First class entertainment
The Hosts, the Managers David and Collin, the Restaurant Team, and don t forget the”Cooking Crew”
all very friendly, efficient, humorous, super qualified for this spectacle.(…)
The week is ending and I still have in the eyes the wonderful time we had at Ultraviolet.
Thanks again for making Monday’s diner possible!.It have been a wonderful moment of happiness. That evening will last long in our family memories.
I cannot begin to tell you how much we enjoyed our time with you and the UV team last night. We were looking back over the photos and from start to finish, it was a completely captivating experience with incredible food and unparalleled service and hospitality. You guys do a flawless job of taking care of people and creating a truly outstanding evening. I cannot thank you enough for hooking us up with a reservation, it was an evening like no other for Shelby and me. Congratulations on your climb up the 50 Best list, the stars and accolades are well deserved and all the painstaking work you guys do truly shines through. (…)
Many thanks for unforgettable experience, the food, service and the evening for like no other and I will remember for years to come!(…)
(…)We will give our highest recommendations to our friends, Doctor Jeff Mossler and his wife, Mrs. Calise Mossler… that your restaurant – – even ignoring the other great places in Shanghai – – is reason enough, by itself, to travel to China!
Thank you for an amazing evening. High expectation totally exceeded, absolutely unbelievable. Cannot wait to come back.
Last day of our honeymoon (28 days). Best experience of them all. Looking forward to UVA & UVC. Merci, Xie Xie, gracias.
The first table of 2016! Thank you so much Ultraviolet for a unforgettable and once in a lifetime meal. It was worth the trip across the globle! Thanks!
Amazing! Beyond the terrific food, the thought invested in the AV is truly impressive. A tour de force, Bravo!!!
This was absolutely fantastic. The most unique dining experience I have ever had the pleasure to experience. Hope to do it again. Thank you!
Thank you for an incredible experience. We appreciated every bite, and we were honored to choose Coca-Cola play a small part of the evening!
An experience to remember for a lifetime
Food never had been so great! Congratulations to all the chefs, video works, waiters, host… WOW!
Thanks again to the whole team for the great moment we had yesterday. It was magical, everyone is daydreaming today!
Delicious! It’s our greatest experience!
My mind and emotions were taken on a journey of endless expanse and emotions – true love!
Really awesome food, fantastic atmosphere, really one of a kind. Thank you for the wonderful experience!
Thank you so much for such a memorable experience, this dinner reminded me of what life is about. Merci!
十分难忘的一次晚餐,谢谢! This is an extremely memorable dinner for me. Thank you!
This was the best meal of my life and an evening will never forget. Ever! Thank you so much!!
Cher Paul,
Encore merci pour cette unique expérience que vous et votre équipe avez pu nous faire vivre. Professionalism at its best ! J’en ai pris plein les yeux (et le palais bien sur) et j’ai aussi pris une leçon de management… qui restera gravée a jamais dans ma mémoire.
Un dîner en dehors du temps….
De retour à Paris, je reviens enfin vers vous… Pour vous remercier :
– pour votre chaleureux et si amical accueil
– pour le talent, la passion et l’exigence et la créativité dont vous faites preuve dans la mise en musique de notre gastronomie
– pour votre goût de l’absolu, tant dans la conception que dans la réalisation
– pour l’énergie positive qui se dégage de toute votre équipe….
– pour le temps passé à nous donner toutes les explications détaillées sur chacun des plats….
– bref… pour ce délicieux ( dans tous les sens du terme) moment…
Un grand merci Paul et à très bientôt j’espère… À Paris ou à Shanghai…
Des émotions tellement personnelles, profondes ressurgirent, tant, que nous n’avions plus envie de parler. Chacun vivait son instant. (…) Il y a les mets, délicieux, exquis, beaux, créatifs, les associations de saveurs, de couleurs et de textures, entremêlés d’éclairages ciselées, d’images ultra graphiques, de musiques aimées… tous nos sens sont enchantés. Pause, humour, tendresse, tout s’enchaîne merveilleusement, comme si vous saviez écouter nos corps. Le rythme est parfait.
(…) Vous nous avez pris par la main et raconté une histoire totale : avec mots, images, odeurs, sons, palais et émotions.
Merci pour cet indélébile souvenir qui coule aujourd’hui dans nos veines.
Chef Paul,
Having experienced UV last night I can truly say that it was not just a once in a lifetime experience, but the single best gastronomic experience of my life! From the sensory experience of the dining room, through the ingenuity of the menu and precision of the cuisine, I was blown away, especially seeing how the magic happens behind the scenes. Multiple world class dishes, and a co-ordination of the sensorial and dining event that I have never seen before – Chef Greg, Sascha, and their full team are a true credit to your organization, truly working at the top of innovation in this field, and were not only highly professional, but a ton of fun and inspiring to be around.
Thank you for making possible an amazing Experience last Saturday for Rob and our friends.
It was a superb celebration and all of the courses and pairings were out of this world. All the people that make possible Ultraviolet transmit the love and passion for what they are doing.
I don’t have enough words to express all my feelings and emotions, maybe just a big THANK YOU!!!!
This is an amazing journey for all the senses, mysterious gastronomic feast, absolutely unforgettable.
We had a blast and it will be an everlasting memory on our lives for me and my wife. It was really an excellent job from all of you and Sascha and Colin were truly amazing hosts!!
So jazzed to be here, amazing food, lovely staff, am so happy I came. Great meeting PP at the end. Go 485!! Ready for Menu B.
I came all the way from the US just to eat here. It was worth it!
Exciting things loose their attraction over time – especially menus in good restaurants fade pretty quickly and to remember taste is very difficult or impossible. Nevertheless, the concept of UV makes the difference! Every time I hear “hells bells”, see Mediterranean fabric or an aquarium sometimes even in an elevator, the UV experience pops into my mind and creates a smile 🙂 UV creates unforgettable memories recalled in the brain.
It is a fantastic journey & I am really attracted by the wonderful package & experience. Hope to come back again!
Moment phénoménal, fantastique ce mardi 11 mars 2014.
Oui Bravo pour la mise en scène et les saveurs d’exception qui seront toujours gravées dans nos mémoires mais aussi bravo à l’équipe absolument géniale, Fred, Greg, Sacha et tous les autres sont au top. L’humour et l’Humain se marient si bien.
Nos étoilés français qui eux aussi ont su nous séduire ne nous ont pas marqué comme Ultra Violet qui nous offre Création, créativité, élégance, subtilité, saveurs, textures, humour. Nous donnons 20/20.
Savoir marier la cuisine et le digital, le concret et le virtuel. Il faut être magicien.
Avoir de si belles idées, un si beau talent et savoir si bien les faire partager. Nous étions tout simplement heureux et très bien. BRAVO et MERCI
Please tell all the team of UV that we had a FANTASTIC evening last night and that we THANK them very much for it!
I hope that as many people as possible will be able to discover what a great adventure P. Pairet created for us!
Truly a one of a kind meal. The truffle and tomato dishes that look identical but taste different are simply amazing.
It was certainly an experience that I very much enjoyed when I had the opportunity to dine at Ultra Violet last night. Your restaurant, from the food to the service, is certainly of the top-quality and a pioneering concept in the China dining market.
I want to send you and the team a warm note of thank you for giving us such a phenomenal experience at Ultraviolet on Jan 8, 2014. Everything was perfectly executed and prepared. It was truly the best dining experience we’ve ever had. I just returned home to Canada from my travels and as I look through my photos, I am still amazed by the food and the people who made it happen on that night.
EXTRAORDINAIRE… la magie du moment nous restera à jamais, et je pourrai dire à mes petits enfants : I did it ! (…) Bravo pour cette cuisine divine, cette créativité hors normes, et tous mes voeux de succès pour des années et des années encore à UV et à toute sa fantastique équipe
From 001 to 382! It is a journey, an Odyssey Ulysses PP doesn’t listen to Mermaids! Stay on board! With all my Love and Respect!
An unique experience we will never forget! Wonderful atmosphere, awesome food… You have to experience it, no words can really tell…
Speechless, Eye opening, Incredible… Outstanding… Bravo!
What a fabulous night, not only how you recognized Alex’s 21st birthday, but for the unbelievable evening you created for all of us. It was truly an experience we will never forget!
This evening at home, whilst eating dinner, i couldn’t help but thinking yesterday’s culinary experience. Love the food and the concept at UV. Big thank you to you, the chef and the team for ensuring a great evening.
My dream come true! Sublime, delicate, the memorable moment.
An evening not easily forgotten; food, company, performance, all perfect. Fascinating!
An extraordinary experience!!! Thank you all for a wonderful thanksgiving + birthday celebration. Unforgettable.
Thank you for the amazing dinner. It was unbelievable. I will be back next time for UVA, all the best.
One of the best nights, best production ever, thank you all so much, all my best.
Amazing experience!! Thank you for enriching our experience with food. Absolutely speechless!
Thank you so much for an evening to remember for a lifetime! I hope to repeat it someday.
Awesome evening, worth the trip from UK.
As you can appreciate being in the hotel business, one gets to see an awful lot of events, the dinner was truly remarkable, imaginative, entertaining, creative and a host of other adjectives are needed to describe the culinary marathon and extravaganza which was laid on, and thoroughly enjoyable.
One of the most spectacular culinary experience I’ve been to! Thank you UV team.
Wow! The great food + fun we have ever had in a restaurant, it is so much more!
The dining experience is the best experience of my life, a luxury experience.
Art takes many forms, life takes all senses to be lived to the fullest. You embrace it all and give us a chance to make our life experience even fuller and happier! Thank you!
We just want to say what a amazing, lovely, delicious and crazy experience we had at UV from the start to finish! (…) Once we arrived for dinner, not only was the food but the whole experience was exciting and memorable… an experience not everyone is fortunate to have.
Thank you to Chef Paul Pairet and the UV team for making true this groundbreaking vision. Through UV, you are showing that food doesn’t have to follow serious protocols to be delicious and having fun while you’re doing it is even better.
Lots of exploration… Lots of inspiration… Lots of entertainment… Lots of lots…
Greatest food experience of my life!
Wow! I am blown away, what a food experiment! It has been amazing. I’m not sure whether I enjoyed more the food, the wine or the ambience, probably all 3! Thank you so much, fabulous team!
I’m speechless! What a great dining experience! Our next meal (at home) is going to be a major “let down”. Thank you!
Not just a tremendous meal, an experience to cherish. Thanks for an unforgettable experience.
Thank you for the wonderful dinner as usual. Best food and atmosphere in the world.
非常棒的用餐体验!谢谢! Such a fantastic dining experience, thank you!
Truly an amazing experience. The most memorable dining experience. Thank you Paul + Team
I wanted to send a quick note on behalf of myself and the Diageo Zacapa Team, “thanking” all of you who worked hard on Friday Night’s event. It was the first of many dinners that will take place this year, and I only look forward to the next one and the next one… I know that each one of our guests were absolutely delighted, amazed and honored to be a part of such a great experience! Thank you for making it unforgettable…
Xie xie Chef Paul & the brilliant UV Team! This is by far one of the most spectacular & memorable meals I have had the privilege to enjoy. Certainly a highlight of my first 6 months in Shanghai and great to learn that I am the envy of veterans in the city who are still on the waiting list!
It’s been a pleasure throughout the whole experience. The food, the sounds, the visual, everything is perfect. Thank you so much for it all. Never will find anything similar in a long time…
A fantastic experience! We had such a great time and we thank you for making our evening so memorable. Wonderful food, excellent beverage pairings and unbelievable service from we arrived until departure.
It was quite mind-blowing! A truly unique culinary experience…
By far the most entertaining and enjoyable fine dining experience I have ever had.
Dearest Paul, you are one amazing master Chef! The only dining experience anyone would travel to the moon to have. Thank you for allowing us to have the memorable family dinner.
Je voulais simplement vous remercier tres chaleureusement pour cette soiree exceptionelle. (…) En bref tout les superlatifs connu a ce jour ne saurait exprimer mon admiration ( et peut être un peu de jalousie) face un travail qui pour moi a enfin apporte a notre monde culinaire ce qui n’avait pas été fait depuis qu’Escoffier a re-organiser les cuisines au début des années 1900… Une vraie évolution ou même révolution qui je l’espère saura trouve sa place dans notre histoire mais aussi toute la reconnaissance que notre univers professionnel vous doit a juste titre.
A wonderful, amazing experience, excellent food, fantastic service and unforgettable moments! Congratulations to all the team! It’s a pleasure and honour to cooperate with such a innovative great people!
Most amazing experience, the best we ever had.
Great and very special experience and great food. Fantastic and extremely creative!
By far the most incredible, unique experience ever! The food was delicious and the presentation was truly spectacular. We cannot wait to recommend you to our friends!!
Absolutely exquisite. Every detail was unsurpassed only by what followed!
The amount of effort that Chef Pairet put into developing Ultraviolet is evident but all of you make it look effortless and the fact that you seem to enjoy the evening as much as your guests adds an ambiance that cannot be duplicated.
A true dining experience! Absolutely amazing! Thank you!
Divine, mind-blowing.
Awesome, different, fantastic, made us all in awe.
We absolutely adored UVB. Have been awaiting this night for over a year since our daughter was born. I hope someday she can come and experience this amazing other-worldly dinner on her own. We will be sharing our excitement – everyone should get a chance – a special occasion chance to UV. XOXO
We had to wait 7 years living in Shanghai to experience UV… But it was so worth it! Thank you! Next time we’ll come for UVA 🙂
I was laying in bed last night reflecting on the event last night and a flurry of words and thoughts came to mind: Masterful, culinary wizardry, refined, dreamlike and, almost other worldly because there is nothing else like your restaurant on earth. Both Greg and I were blessed to have experienced you, your staff and of course our supreme Chef Paul!
Cher Paul, un grand merci pour ce voyage exceptionel ou tous nos sens sont en eveil, y compris notre 6eme qui nous dit de revenir!! Bravo!
Quelle aventure! C’etait fantastique. Bravo a vous tous. Vivement le UVB!
The magic magnificent world of taste, sound, smell, color, of all senses of Paul Pairet.
My first encounter with art and food… Thank you. Please continue to surprise us!
We had a wonderful evening! Your creativity and kitchen genius truly amazed! We loved the way you entire staff was in sync and helped to add that extra special touch.
Thank you for a truly remarkable evening!! Each course was a surprise and delight. We will look back at this evening as our four most memorable delicious meals. What an experience!!
This was a surprise! What an experience. We are already thinking of our next visit and who to invite. The food was exquisite and the preparation and presentation = perfect. Thanks for showing us fun and food!
Una Gran experiencia! Para repetir algo unico que se recordara
Voyage des sens; Meilleure experience culinaire. Merci de nous avoir fait revez!!
It was one of the most amazing experience. You can kill me tomorrow and I’ll be… Hold on, maybe one more time to UV then you can kill me…
Un chef d’oeuvre!!! Une equipe fantastisque!!! Une experience paradisiaque
Fantastique! Most probably one of the best experience that one could ever have!
On a aime le voyage, on a aime le partage, on a aime l’amour que tu as mis avec toute ton equipe dans les plats. Il ne s’agit que d’amour au fond!
Un exceptionnel ocean beau de saveurs et de plaisir. Bravo et merci !
It wasn’t just about the food, the mood lighting, the sound effects, the images, the projections, the aromas, the music, or even the place-settings, the unique tableware, the playful simplicity of a dish well-presented, the construction of the finest ingredients blending perfectly with liquid nectar (…) this one-of-a-kind, hand-crafted cooking theatre… It was none of these and all of these, skillfully woven together into a tapestry of sheer delight, an amazing journey that you should not miss. Paul, Greg, Fabien and Team: I salute you and thank you.
Un grand moment de plaisir ou se croise le bohneur du palias, un décor de reve, une ambiance qui decoiffe. Le cocktail est extraordinaire. C’est du bohneur en tranche qui se deguste petit a petit. Du luxe, c’est enorme, vivement qu’on revienne. Felicitations.
Esthetisme, humour, lyrisme, un cocktail de sensations. Une installation artistique, la cuisine elevee au rang de l’art, un spectacle qui se deguste avec tous vos sens.
Juste incroyable! Un vrai plaisir gustatif. J’ai decouvert des gouts comme l’huitre que je na mange pas… Un plat a faire aimer les huitres… enfin celle d’UVA. J’en re-demande des experiences comme celle-la. La vie est belle
C’est une superbe soiree. Bravo pour la creation, bravo pour le concept !
Beautiful work of art over and over! Thank you for a fabulous experience.
Exciting evening and amazing dishes. This is really food art to its perfection.
Ultraviolet team is not only preparing excellent food, but you are the greatest in creativity and perfection.
Superb! Chapeau !! Thanks a lot !
Excellent work! I enjoyed all the dishes, and the amazing entertainment. Great attention to detail!
Simply magnificent! An evening we will never forget. One dish pursued more superb than the other and culinary no disappointments.
Merci enormement pour cette soiree magique, pleins de delices et de surprises. On a tous passe une soiree exceptionelle. Et merci pour une celebration inoubliable pour mon pere. La cuisine, la mise en scene tout etait super! Un encore GRAND MERCI de toutes la famille Reitermann.
奇妙梦幻般的美食之旅,为Justin & Caidy六周年庆凭添华彩一章,期待下一次UVB之旅。
A culinary journey full of wonder and fantasy; a glamorous celebration for Justin & Caidy’s 6th anniversary. We look forward to UVB.
Que vous dire que vous n’ayez entendu mille fois. La magie s’est operee une nouvelle fois et nous repartons combles, des souvenirs plein la tete a ranger parmi les meilleurs d’une vie!! Merci.
Je vous remercie de cette merveilleuse experience, unique en son genre. Une atmosphere magique, j’en avais reve, et vous me l’avez offert. Un personel adorable. Une nourriture a la fois chimique et naturelle, des boissons se marient merveilleusement avec les plats.
Merci Paul. Fantastique, je reste bouche bee. Impatiente de revenir pour UVB. Merci pour ce moment d’exception. A bientot pour le B.
Incredible experience. After 5 years, one of the most memorable Shanghai adventures.
Great and sensational experience! Next level dining!
Thanks so much for a great night and for making Karina’s birthday so amazing. The food was incredible! The only problem is that I won’t be able to top it next year…
That was the most amazing dining experience I have ever had by now. Huge congratulations on ultra creativity, imagination and technology. I will come back!!
The most wonderful eating experience in our life.
Merci encore pour nous avoir fait partagé avec simplicité, disponibilité, et gentillesse l’univers incroyable d’UltraViolet, c’était un vrai plaisir gustatif olfactif et visuel, une très belle découverte. Bravo pour cette entreprise exigeante et passionnante.
This was definitely the most memorable meal I’ve ever and ever will experience!
This was an incredible experience. I love to cook myself but this is way beyond cooking. Really fantastic. Thanks a lot.
快乐团体全体十人都很感动今晚的一切,感恩! 感谢所有为我们服务的人员。我们真的非常幸运。感动再感动。美味一生永生难忘。All of us are so moved by everything tonight, so grateful! Thank you all the crew. We are very lucky to be here. You have touched us with the delicious experience that we will never forget.
Dear Ultraviolet team, thank you for leading the way into the future! An unforgettable experience.
the greatest restaurant of the whole world.
Superb! I am rarely overwhelmed but today stands out totally!
We were blown away by the entire production!
Wonderful and beautiful experience. A feast for all the senses!!!
The most touching dinner I’ve ever had so far.
Most amazing mind blowing dinner in my life!
All the way from Switerland to discover this great innovation concept. Excellent discovery
Outstanding Chef, artist and extraterrestrial.
Wonderful night with excellent food combined with passion and fantasy!
Paul Pairet and team, we appreciate every single night efforts you put into this journey, Bravo! Keep it going, keep creativity alive.
C’etait sincerement ma plus belle experience culinaire !
Loved this fantastic experience. Thanks for sharing your pleasure with us. Please continue, we are big fans.
Dear Chef & team, words are difficult to find… I am here for a second time. It is as incredible. This time around, I could focus way more on the food and really it is outstanding. All our future guests will be brought here to experience it. Wonderful.
The most rememberable culinary experience I have had and will ever have. You are an extraordinary artist!
Paul, Fabien & Team, you guys are legends. Dreams come true @ Ultraviolet.
Dearest Paul, we are so amazed with your Ultraviolet! Thanks for the experience. You are my idol.
The best restaurant we have been to in the world so far…
Everything is done with perfection. Don’t think there is any comparable place/experience in the world.
My wife booked us 2 seats for my birthday, and I didn’t know what to expect before I came. And now I have found this experience really unforgettable! I am looking forward to our next booking to come again.
UV is definitely one of the best experience that I have in my life.
Dear Chef Paul and team, I ran out of superlatives after the very first course. Congratulations to all on pulling off a marvelous dining experience.
Thanks for the great experience – one of the most unforgettable dining experience of a lifetime. Best wishes and can’t wait to try UVB.
Without a doubt, the finest dining experince I have ever had in memory.
By far the best meal experience I’ve ever had. This goes above & beyond any “hype”.
Worth every bit of the incredible anticipation and lived up to, and surpassed every expectation.
Incredible. This was the best food I have ever had. I will bring the memory of that cheese and truffle bread and crispy salad with me forever. Thank you all. Most mind blowing dishes.
Nothing could prepare me for the fabulous meal you served us tonight. Simply extraordinary!!
You have created a truly unique sensory gastronomic journey. Every dish a revelation, each moment a cherished memory.
Thank you so much for the wonderful night that you kindly let us experience!!!
My hubby was extremely happy and he keeps saying how amazing it was to friends around us. (…) “Had the most amazing bd dinner ever thanks to my lovely wife. UV is a new dining experience that uses your 5 senses to deliver a totally immersive, blasting degustation of wonderful combinations of excellent food and drinks from all over the world.” (…) We’ll treasure this memory in our life forever!
Thanks again for the UV night. It is really fantastic and an unique experience.
We continued talking about the UV night yesterday and felt all other meals were tasteless. (…) Everybody is jealous because the waiting list is so long.
Sincerely happy that Miele is part your dream work and wish you all the bests.
It has been an amazing dining journey! Ultra fantastic!
Many thanks for a wonderful experience at Ultraviolet last night. Working in the service industry myself, I must say that I am impressed by the total experience you and your team so successfully provided.
An evening full of surprises indeed. A life-time experience.
Best dinner ever.
The best dinner of my life.
A great pleasure to experience this dinner with Monica and friends! I really enjoyed the food, the music, the atmosphere. Everything about this place is amazing.
Cette soirée fut un point d’orgue sur la portée de la vie trépidante.
Paul a fait de chaque plat un somptueux bijou dans son écrin.
Fabien, maître de cérémonie, nous a mené comme personne ne l’a fait, avec patience et diplomatie.
Nous n’arrivions plus à vous quitter.
Grazie mille, fantastico. Thank you for the trip around the world and bring me back to my childhood and for tasting some excellent dishes.
Un dernier mail pour te redire notre admiration pour cette magnifique épopée qu’est UltraViolet.
Vous êtes des précurseurs, des vrais, et je vous souhaite tout le succès possible pour cet extraordinaire projet.
Passe nos meilleures salutations à M. Pairet.
By far the best dining experience I had in my whole life !
Just sublime, we are astonished and feel ultrally spoiled. Thank you for your creativity, childhood activity and magic.
What an experience. Nothing like it in all my life. All the way from the US. Thanks.
Food to make you smile in continuous arrangement! A truly unique culinary experience! We loved every diet! Thanks so much! Look forward to returning soon!
Fabulous, total immersion experience. Thanks so much for accommodating my dietary restrictions. You restored my faith and interest in fine dining. Kudos to your staff with their pretty smiles and attention to detail. Joyeux Noel!
A totally magnificent experience. Thank you so much!
Chef Paul, Thank you so much for a fabulous evening. We have been all over the globe, and your Ultraviolet is truly innovative and unique. Besuse of people like you, we will never loose faith in the perfection of French cusine and culinary.
Thanks Chef & team! Love the vision, thought, hard work and creativity. Best meal of my life.
Thank you for this incredible dinner, it was amazing! You are a great example to follow for my career! You inspired my culinary life with all your kitchen and service team. I’ll never forget that!
Thanks for showing the amazing meal & your vision with us. Best meal ever.
That was amazing! I had no idea what I was getting into. I’m blown away. The food, the service. The atmosphere. That was a meal/experience I will never forget. Thank you.
Chef, so much joy and humor in your food! Thank you for an evening of pure pleasure.
Chef Paul, this was an absolutely unforgettable experience. Thank you for sharing your inspiration with us. This is a highlight of our trip. I’ll have to bring my family and myself back for the UVB menu.
惊喜不断,吃的艺术。 Full of surprises. Here eating has become a total art.
Ultraviolet Rocks! Thanks so much for a fantastic evening full of the most wonderful food, drinks, music and visuals! We will definitely come back for UVB.
Full of creativity, a rare and once-in-a-lifetime experience. It’s totally worth it.
An amazing experience! Great food, imaging and music, perfect combination. Many many thanks.
Unforgettable and unbelivable.
The dinner of my life! Thanks a million.
Paul, you are the most creative chef I’ve ever met in the world. I always have the best time with you, from Jade to Mr & Mrs Bund and to UV. In warm expectation for the next time.
An experience so good, kings and queens will go on their knees to beg for more….
The most creative gastronomic experience ever. Thank you.
Amazing service, great food, one of the best experiences of my life.
Mind exploding experience! Romantic, Dramatic, Fantastic! SUPER. Awesome, Orgasmic!
Eye opener! One of a kind! Looking forward to Menu B,C,D…
天才厨师,伟大的创意 I LOVE UV. Chef is Genious, what a great creation.
Amazing and unique experience! Awesome! Ultraviolet rocks! Thanks
I have been fortunate enough to travel quite extensively and eat in some of the greatest restaurants around the world. When I say ‘greatest’ I don’t mean by any other definition than my own being a combination of all things that go into a world class restaurant.
My experience at UV as I’m sure you can imagine blew almost all of them away just by virtue of the fact that with UV you have evolved your art to a new level.
I cannot imagine the bravery it must have taken to create something like this but then to see it received and praised the way it has is true validation of what you have done and what you have achieved thus far!
I cannot envisage the genius from you and your team to create the combinations that produce the mind blowing concoction that is UV but the pure brilliance of creation and the excellence of execution to deliver such a combination was truly an honor to a part of. Every tiny detail was thought of and delivered at such a high standard that it is impossible to have imagined before. (…) I thank all of you for your courage, sharing your gifts and your talents and for delivering a lifelong memory for me!
A special THANKS to the chef and team working with passion and unique profession beyond the limit. During the performance live “back stage” makes one entertained and appreciates this world of taste and imaginations.
Excellent experience. Love every moment. Beats a lot of top restaurants in the world.
What a great combination of Audio, Vision and incredible cuisine !!! I am speechless. There is one song that Popps in my Mind “That’s the way aha, aha, I like it” All the best
Thanks again for the ultimate gastronomical experience last week in Shanghai. We enjoyed our evening at table 102 very much. I hope you both are well. I did a review for trip advisor which you can see posted. We have spoken to many of our friends about Ultraviolet and I believe you will have many more guests from Belgium to come and visit. Hope to see you again soon at Mr and Mrs Bund. Best regards. Paul and Miss Jean
No 1 in the world.
The total experience with great food/venue/paired with drink, audio visual and impeccable host/service, is something we will enjoy reliving (and share with others) for a long time.
Ultra Imagination! Ultra Creation! Ultra Fantastic! Experience of a life time!
Delicious, memorable, fun, surprise and utterly unique!
Thank you for an extraordinary and wonderful evening. It was truly memorable unique and of course fabulous food. You are all amazing!
Beyond words or description. An out of this world performance with stunning food at its apices.
It was not only a memorable and unique evening, but great fun too – all centred on great food. I am sure the world is going to be talking about UV very soon!
Playfull, Evoking, Fun.
声色光俱全的餐厅,毕生难忘!- A full combination of sound, smell and color. Unforgetable in my life.
Dear Chef Paul Pairet, thank you and your team for such memorable evening, full of surprise, and truly a feast of all senses! BRAVO!!!
Definitely a night to be remembered! Fantastic experience.
Chef, it was a once in a life time experience and it was fantastic! Thank you.
A life time experience!
One of the most unique dinning experience ever had. The whole evening was outstanding- Thank you.
Un grand merci pour une expérience magnifique. We all truly enjoyed the gastronomic journey as well as the after party at Mr. & Mrs. Bund. We aren’t sure how we will top a future “mom’s night out” after Saturday night, but we are all hopeful to leave the kids one evening again, for future menus of Ultraviolet!
Unforgetable dinner, crazy night, we love it. Never forget it.
Awesome experience and fantastic food. A true innvative dinner.
Longtemp Attendu…..but so worth it! Keep bringing dreams to all Shanghai life.
Magique, Féérique, grandiose. Souvenir exceptionnelle pour la vie. Merci a tous
Meilleur diner du monde !!! Pour les plat et le voyage !!
Thanks so much for the most incredible evening ever experienced with food! (…) we will always remember the experience! Thanks again and congratulations on a brilliant restaurant and concept!
Out of space! This was the best art -theatre-modern-experience of finest dining ever.
Fabuleuse plongée dans un monde onirique, délicieux et fun ! Unique dining expérience ! On a l’impression d’avoir passe la soirée avec Arthur Rimbaud, des sensations a la Baudelaire du ” Luxe & Volupté ” Bravo Mr Paul ! Merci !
The first 4 Michelin Star in the World
Best restaurant ever. 3x experience, 3x fun! Thank you.
Le seul restaurant qui vaut Paris un ” Paris-Shanghai” a lui tout seul ! Merci pour toute ces idées, pour cette générosité qui émane de toute l’equipe. Bravo d’être allez au bout de ce projet, j’en ressors très inspiré.
Paul Pairet est un grand créateur de l’art de vivre et culinaire accompagne d’un très bon maitre de ballet en Mr Fabien Verdier qui est seconde d’une très bonne escadre.
Thanks for a wonderful dining experience we will remember for a long time. Our friends in Australia will certainly hear all about our night.
In Australia we are always taught that UV is a bad thing…clearly we have no idea what we are on about! Thank you so much-loved it!
Un grand bravo ! Paul t’es magique! une experience unique et inoubliable, nous n’oublierons jamais notre 1er anniversaire de mariage.. Un grand merci !
Truly spectacular.
Moment Unique, inoubliable, sensationnel, merci : Que de bons souvenirs pour nos papilles et tous les sens !
Quelle créativité exceptionnelle : Symphonie de saveurs, plein les yeux, playlist, parfaite.
Beyond expectation! Unique fun. “The only one” (…) anywhere in the planet!
Excellent work! The most imaginative! Unforgetable. We had a truly amazing experience. Fantastic evening experience. Thank you for such a cool experience.
Best dinner ever!!! Most amazing surprise in my life. Great Job!
Big thanks for yesterday. It was by far the most exciting and unique culinary experience we had with my wife in the past years. Now I understand why you have spent so much time on all details!
The most amazing dining experience ever!!! (…) an amazing and unforgettable experience! My greatest dining experience.
First of all, I want to thank you guys for this amazing diner experience.
We had a lot of fun and we had the best dinner ever – I mean it !!! Food – Services – Visual – Music – tableware – wine – Perfect match !
We are already dreaming of UVB – and if it didn’t come very quickly we will need to come back again for UVA !!!! I’ve heard Miss Piege cried on a dish – Well to be honest when I taste the bread with the music – I could have cried also – BIG TIME !
Thank you for making my mouth orgasm and showing me something better than sex.
Thank you so much for this amazing experience! Even though our group was a bit late, we made it through all 22 dishes and loved every single one. Truly a fantastic experience. We loved it.
“The UV dinner a couple weeks ago (Table 38) changed my life!
Sincerely though, it was absolutely outstanding! Even with all ‘the show’ the food stood by itself, as amazing. Then the show …really something with the lights and the pictures and the music and the smells and the choreographed service. I have looked over and over again at the pictures from the evening …and shared them with many interesting people. It’s innovative and fabulous, but also warm and fun! “
Thank you so much for making Saturday evening a memorable event. I know that neither myself nor my husband will ever forget that meal! The food was outstanding and the service was fantastic. Thank you for taking such good care of me.
Dear Fabien, a very big thank you again to Paul, yourself and your teams for Saturday night. Your generosity was very much appreciated, and we spent all Sunday re-living the dinner experience over and over again in our conversations. Congratulations on such a successful venture, after such a long gestation! It was worth the wait.
Dear Paul, Fabien and the team,
We really cannot thank you enough for yesterday’s experience. I wrote down so many words when I got back home in preparation for writing to everyone I know to urge them to book a table and it would be meaningless to repeat them here as you and your team, I am sure, already know what an incredible thing you have created, by the smiles on all your faces from the start at MMB to the finish when you lead us back into the capable hands of James. So just thank you, thank you. We will be back. And on that note, the first thing I did this morning was to try and book a table in preparation for menu B (…) You’ve done something truly amazing. I am so proud to have been part of it, even just for one evening, and I know and hope that you know that you have changed food, Shanghai, and us, forever!
Dear Paul & Fabien, The best ever! Thank you for making this an experience of a lifetime.
Pure class, simply amazing. Thank you for an unforgetable evening. Cheers.
Unspeakable memories are beyond Michelin stars! Thank you for your passion, love and art without compromise!
I want to thank Paul, Greg, Fabien and all your UV-team members again for the unforgettable dining experience. It was beyond imagination. Every minute was mouth watering and mind blowing. I’ve written a small post on my FB timeline and Yvon and I will follow up soon with a blog post. Please let me know when you expect the UVB menu to be launched. We definitely want to be part of that as well.
That is fantastical! Seriously!!! To everyone of you. What an amazing idea, service, execution. Thank you.
Many many thanks for a truly extraordinary evening. Unforgentable. Spectacular, Extra awesomeness.
Daring, refreshing, simply delicious, and most importantly, who’s heart, love, warmth & sincere is felt in the experience of the senses.
1st time (table 8) was awesome. 2nd time (table 47) was even better. We look forward to UV”B”!
Guys+Girls, Honestly, thank you so much for an eye opening and amazing night. It was also my birthdy and you made it very unique. My clients loved it.
A truly remarkable & magnificent experience!! Extremely enjoyable one that I will never forget. Thank you for a wonderful experience.
Thanks a lot for this wonderful experience here in SHANGHAI! AMAZING! Amazing & love the experience! Thanks for the journey. Love everything about it.
Excellent experience. Everything spot on from visual, scent, taste. A real sensual experience. Congrats on your engagement.
Thanks for a mind blowing, palette teasing, sense awakening dining experience.
每一道菜都像艺术品,视觉与味觉翻动的一夜 Every dish is like an art. A conbination of visual and hearing miracle. Such an amazing night!
Absolutely amazing experience from start to finish. Amazing Sights, smells and food. Thank you very much with much love. What an amazing evening, a sensary overload as we entered the world of Paul Pairet. Ultra Violet. Thanks.
Amazing! There is no other food experience like this in the world. Thank you.
快乐不知时日过!-How fast time flies with happiness. 四年后的重逢,也是同一天的生日晚餐,这次比 Jade 36更精彩更疯狂。让人难以忘怀,在此忠心的感谢你们,特别是 Paul, Fabien. Ecounter after four years and its also my birthday dinner. This dinner is crazier and more excellent than Jade on 36. Unforgetable. Wish you all the best, especially Paul,Fabien. I love you all.
一桌一宴,视觉,听觉,感官超级体验,味蕾达到天堂。-One table a night. A unique experience of visual and sound, taste like heaven.
I just want to say thank you for such a brilliant evening on Saturday at Ultraviolet. It was probably one of the most emotional dining experiences of my life. Fantastic service and food really do make a winning combination and you guys have it perfectly. Both Finnian and I could have stayed all night. Truly awesome.
Fantistic! -Genius! -Fun! -Excitement to the max!(and that was only the starts) Quite simply, the best birthday present EVARRRH! Well done!
Bravo Merci, immensely grateful for an emotion laden experience. Beautiful & rare
The best dinner ever!
A wonderful birthday, amazing Experience, magnificient idea
Amazing experience team start to finish! (…) It really wasn’t an understatement when people said that UV is the first & only one of its kind. Literally quite blown away.
For me, you are the best chef and artist in the world.
Out of the World, A journey of the best of my dreams. Bravo a toute l’equipe.
Amazing, the best meal in the world !
Elle and I were truly amazed, fascinated, and moved. Ultraviolet is truly one form of total comprehensive “all-senses” entertainment! I even felt it somewhat spiritual also. Please thank Paul on our behalf. His vision and attention to finest details are divine and masterful. And of course, the team is a perfect mix of talent, lead by your guiding of experiences. Countless number of surprises and amazes kept us keen at all time and forgot about time passing.
I just want to congratulate you on the amazing concept you have executed last night. I had a perfect experience and I don’t think I have ever ever said that about any restaurant in my life. (…) Thank you so much for an eye opening experience. PS: I read It took 5 years for the Shanghai one to be opened. Please involve me in the planning for a new one when you are ready to expand.
No doubt this is the most special restaurant in Shanghai. It’s incredible and unbelievable.
After today’s dinner, you are the best Chef in the world for me.
The best way to say good bye to Shanghai after 5 Years. There was love, there was pride, there was passion, excellence & beauty. Thank you so much.
Apres Jade, Apres Mr & Mrs Bund, now UV. What is next ? In any case we shall wait, we will come. Always a discovery, a travel we love ! Because Fun
Dear Paul, Dear Fabien, Thank you for a spectacular evening at UV. The experience was absolutely outstanding and well beyond all our high expectations! (…) congratulations for creating such a truly sublime, spectacular and unique experience. We greatly look forward to returning and tasting menu B ! Fabien, thank you and your Team for such a warm and hospitable welcome (as always, I may add). The service was impeccable! Many thanks once again to you all for such a beautiful and special evening.
Your Ultraviolet rock my world like AC.DC Rock n’ Roll damnation at the top of the Empire State Building on the fourth of July ! Thank you all and congratulations ! Table 21 ( Blackjack ! )
Beau, Beautiful, Bon, Excellent, Amazing, Unique…. Not enough words
My wife and I are of course still talking about our experience at Ultraviolet – and will always remember it as the most exquisite pairing of food and sensory perceptions that can be imagined. (…) our sincere thanks to you and the talented team that Paul Pairet has gathered for the Ultraviolet performance.
The creativity and technical innovation that infuse every dish and the perfect service, combined with wit and wonderful table settings, cutlery and crockery completed a presentation that was beyond our expectations. You have all contributed to an extraordinary step forward in managing our perceptions of food, allowing a small glimpse into the world of a artistic master chef for whom ingredients, tastes and flavours are a palette of sensory perceptions.
Encore un moment inoubliable ! Merci a tous. Un moment hors du temps. Grande réussite
Il y a eu la scène et maintenant il ya la table 19 de UV ! Le Christ peut rester sur sa croix. On marche déjà sur l’eau/ Bravo.
This is a Labour of Love. Thank you for making it a reality and sharing it with the World.
It’s rare to see such a passionate team !! So glad to experience this in Shanghai !
Une expérience assez unique : L’impression d’avoir assiste a la naissance de quelque chose d’extraordinaire. Bravo a toute l’équipe : ce n’est pas de la cuisine, ca relève vraiment de l’art. Tout les sens sont convoques !
Abbiamo passato un serate indimenticabili fantastici tutti !
Wherever will go we will talk about you. Grazie UV Bravissimi !
Dear Ultraviolet team, thank you very much ! It was amazing and unforgettable dining experience. Will come back again !
Thank you for making me feel like an awestruck kid again. You transported me to the present moment.
Thank you for re-awakening my “little me” imagination made reality. Boys don’t cry normally unless they taste Foie gras can’t quit.
Fantastic. Boy’s don’t cry, however…
Truly transcendent
Sometimes dreams just come true !
Je souhaitais juste remercier Paul Pairet, Fabien et toute l’équipe pour avoir pu gouter à cette incroyable aventure hier soir chez Ultra-violet ! Quel pied du début à la fin! Quel rêve éveillé inimaginable ! Et quelle claque également avec le dernier plat « dishwash » ! A mes yeux, une grande œuvre d’art tout comme le reste des créations ! Paul Pairet : Vous êtes un génie !
L’Ultraviolet n’est pas visible. Mais l’UV de Paul Pairet est visiblement parfait ! un mélange parfait de tradition et de la révolution… bonne continuation.
Jade on 36, Mr & Mrs Bund, nous sommes adeptes depuis 6 ans. Nous avons peur de quitter Shanghai avant l’ouverture d’ultraviolet, mais avons prolonge d’un an, heureusement, l’attente en valait la peine !
Amazing Journey, memorable for life
Certainement l’expérience culinaire et sensorielle la plus unique qu’il nous ait été donne de rencontrer. Merci a votre formidable équipe pour votre créativité, votre énergie et la volonté de rendre ce moment unique, magique. Amazing !
Le caprice des dieux… Je l’ai enfin trouve. Merci petit Jésus & Paul
“Une fois que l’on a vu ca, on peut mourir tranquille.. un régal !” Merci
Merci pour ce très beau voyage culinaire, bravo a toute l’équipe.
Une expérience inoubliable !!! Superbe travail de toute l’équipe…
Une expérience extraordinaire !
Rien de plus original, meilleur et sympa a plus de 25000 Km a la ronde ! C’est exceptionnel… Merci!
Ultraviolet is… Totally awesome, Fantastic, Unique, way above anything in the world ! My best dining experience to date. A definitive new standard in the culinary world.
Ultraviolastic !
Coming over from Munich, Germany… I want more! I want that every night! An unforgettable evening! Music, Taste, Visual, Smell, Emotions going crazy! I LOVE IT!
A bold idea, not really convincing concept (one year ago), but really impressive result. That’s innovation!
Thank you for hosting us at table number 9. I feel privileged to be part of your project (even though as a guest!) Also thank Greg for showing us around the “back of office” and providing us with a glimpse of where the magic happens. The tastes were amazing!
I’d rather not do ANY fine dining in future but just come to UV from time to time. (For somebody eating out 4-7 times/week it means something)
Fabien, please extend my thanks to Chef Pairet, Chef Robinson and yourself for a wonderful, magical evening!
The most visionary, surprising, imaginative – and simply wonderful dining experience I have ever had!
谢谢 Paul 及 Fabien。我们的晚餐可以用“精彩”来表达,非常难忘!
Thank you, Paul & Fabien. Our dinner is “Brilliant”. Unforgettable!
Doit on inventer une 4eme Etoile pour Paul Pairet et son Equipe ??
Un beau moment culinaire, d’amour et d’amitie…Bravo Paul & Co
Une experience unique, un moment inoubliable, Un grand BRAVO et un immense MERCI.
The First Ever Performing Arts + Theatre experience in hospitality!! Congratulations – Paul, Fabien + Team. An Awe-Inspiring, perfectly orchestrated experience. Every detail is managed. The passion flows. Thank you very much indeed for such a fantastic addition. You make us all in the industry proud. Lots + lots of Success! PS: Charge More!!
We had an amazing dining experience that exceeded all our expectations. A fantastic experience, thanks to the whole team for making this possible!
GENIAL!!!!! The earth met the sky this very DAY! This moment, exquisite, magical, genial!!!
An extraordinary dinner! First the food was outstanding and the pairings not only enhanced the food, but enhanced the beverage, which in my experience is very rare. The sensory experience was amazing (…) it was very much worth the wait!
Ce n’est pas un diner, c’est un happening, une succession de scènes qui ont su capter quintessence de chaque tradition culinaire. C’est gargantuesque et c’est léger ! Ultraviolet est la référence. Toutes mes félicitations, et la reconnaissances de mes Papilles émerveillées, au chef Paul Pairet et a son équipe pour ce grand moment d’émotion, de grâce et de Bonheur.
Just Blady Marvellous! Lekker China, from South Africa! This can’t get any better. What you have created here is history. Amazing
Nous quittons ce lieu unique les cinq sens combles. Une expérience complète et exceptionnelle. Vivement le Menu B pour revenir
The most creative and fantastic restaurant in the world.
We have never had such an experience before. It’s incredible, amazing, marvelous – Impossible to describe with words! Thanks to make my birthday unforgettable!
Que dire ? UV est un acte d’amour. UV est son tempo. La mesure de l’amour est d’aimer sans mesure. Merci.
Une grande dimension pour la gastronomie et la convivialite. Ultraviolet c’est ludique,c’est chic et decontracte. Paul Pairet is a genius, Fabien Verdier is a great host. Bravo a toute l’equipe de UV. Fantastic !
Tout les sens en eveil, L’etat des papilles a son apogee ultras sensoriel et gustative, Que du Bonheur, une parenthese dans la vie, un instant d’emotion.Le must du raffine, de la simplicite, grandiose. Bravo au chef PP et toute son equipe, Merci.
Une expérience unique, Une explosion des sens, Un surpassement culinaire, Merci pour cette fabuleuse et extraordinaire soirée !
Emotion, Etonnement, Enorme ! Tout est Magnifique. Une soirée qui restera gravée dans mon esprit.
Aujourd’hui, Paul Pairet a réinvente la cuisine…Convivialité, créativité et perfection. Un talent Immense au service d’une atmosphère unique. La love cuisine par un génie de son temps.
Une soirée d’émotion intense, les cinq sens en éveil, Un émerveillement, non 22 émerveillements ! Une expérience unique et multiple. Tout simplement bravo et merci pour ce moment inoubliable.
Sur mon nuage ou je vois encore les U.V et ses bien fait ,,de beaute, mon palais est encore impregaigner de saveur ,,,ouaaa comment te dire combien ton invitation ma fait plaisir ..tres emu par ces qlqs heures de bonheur couper du monde. c’est graver dans ma memoir et dans mon coeur felicitation att l’equipe et le chef de genie et de talent qu’ est Paul ainsi qua toute son equipe… un grand MERCI
There is nothing like UV on the Planet ( Maybe in the Universe ) Success in on the Horizon!
Paul-Greg-Fabien-Amar-Eric-Clement et toute L’equipe UV, Merci pour le merveilleux voyage ! Le top du top !!
What can I say!! Amazing Experience… From the moment you get on the adventure ride, arriving & getting on the journey of tasting the most delicious dishes. The team is great & I guess I want to say that I’ll definitely come back.
Unique Experience. Dreaming, Eating, Entertainment… Absolutely fascinating.
All the best this great idea and the great people!
It was a complete honor for me to be one of the first to try this amazing new concept. Every element tantalized my senses and didn’t just fill my stomach but my soul too. Congrats and many thanks.
Too much Fun, Well done to you all, what an achievement. Everyone in the world is going to know your names
UV is the most entertaining and delicious evening we ever experienced. Both of us were totally blown away from the moment we passed the UV door step. (…) It is purely Magic! The balance of sensations attached to each dish is perfect. None of them are stealing the focus to tasting, but instead it makes all your senses in sync, allowing the ultimate food appreciation. We have never experienced such a pleasant rush !
No matter how much I knew about the concept, once I walked in and the experience started, I forgot about everything and truly had the best time ever. The flow of the evening is a succession of emotions going form intense to peaceful. We also appreciate all the touches of humor. I would qualify the UV experience as a Dining Odyssey, nothing less. (…) UV, will no doubt be a monster international success !!
Les mots nous manquent pour décrire le bonheur que nous a procuré ce diner. Nous fumes transportés dans le temps avec les références á notre jeunesse notamment musicales et dans l’espace grace aux photos, aux saveurs et surtout aux parfums. Bravo pour avoir réalisé votre rêve afin que nous puissions y être transportés.
Petit partage d’un « voyage initiatique » que nous avons eu tant de chance de Vivre ensemble ! Un immense Merci à ceux qui l’ont rendu possible ! Bonne ouverture pour vendredi 18 mai: on sera avec vous en pensées…(…) no real words could describe the feelings of the unique and nearly unrealistic experience of yesterday evening… How could I thank you, the great artist Paul and all the team for this particular moment you’ve created and you’ve generously shared with us?? As For the Quiz, very simply: What did I not like? Nothing! What did I like? All the trip (…) J’en avais oublié ma couleur…Ai hérite du Gummings Vert, couleur de l’Espérance…Celle de revenir à UltraViolet dans une vie future… Merci de toute votre Générosité et de tant de Génie.
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Elite Traveler World’s Finest Restaurants
Ultraviolet by Paul Pairet, Shanghai, as one of the winners of the Top Restaurants Readers’ Choice 2023